A Book of Words V

 “Growth and Responsibility”

Canadian Club, Winnipeg 2 October 1907

Notes by Leonee Ormond


Published in Winnipeg Telegram and Manitoba Free Press, 3 October 1907.
Published in pamphlet form, Jackson Engraving Company, Winnipeg, 1907. Collected in A Book of Words, Macmillan, London, 1928.


Kipling recalls his visit to Winnipeg in 1892, on his honeymoon, and praises the city for its progress since that time and for its independence. Writing to Reginald Southern Holland on 12 October, he told him that: ‘at Winnipeg I have preached on the National Spirit like a blessed book’. (Letters, Ed. Pinney vol. 3 p. 275) On the day after the speech, Caroline Kipling noted in her diary: ‘a decided feeling of French-Canadian wet blanket’. ( Andrew Lycett, p. 377)

Notes on the Text

(the page and line numbers below refer to the
Uniform Edition of A Book of Words Macmillan, London 1928)

31, line 1] Heronax see note on Title Page.

31, line 1] that plains-commanding City Winnipeg.

33, line 1] Mr. President Probably Mr Gordon, line 7.

34, line 26] buggies a buggy was a light horse drawn vehicle for one or two people.

35, lines 6-9] The visions that your old men saw … The dreams that your young men dreamed. Joel, 2,28: ‘Your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions’.

37, lines 12-13] to whom much has been given Luke, 12,48. ‘For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required.’


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