The Muse among the Motors

 1900 to 1930

The full series

“Sepulchral” ‘Swifter than aught ‘neath the sun the car of Simonides moved him’ The Greek Anthologies
“Arterial” ‘Frost upon small rain—the ebony-lacquered avenue’ Early Chinese
“Carmen Circulare” ‘Dellius, that car which night and day’ Q H Flaccus (Horace)
“The Advertisement” ‘Whether to wend through straight streets strictly’ The Earlier English
“The Justice’s Tale” ‘With them there rode a lustie Engineere’ Geoffrey Chaucer
“The Consolation of Memory” ‘Blessed was our first age and morning time.’ Boethius by Chaucer
“The Four Points” ‘Ere stopping or turning, to put forth a hand’ Thomas Tusser
“To a Lady Persuading Her to a Car” ‘Love’s fiery chariot, Delia, take’ Ben Jonson
“The Progress of the Spark” ‘This spark, now set, retarded yet forbears’ John Donne
“The Braggart” ‘Petrolio, vaunting his Mercedes’ power’ Mat. Prior
“When the Journey was Intended to the City” ‘When that with eat and drink they had fulfilled’ John Milton
“To Motorists” ‘Since ye distemper and defile’ Robert Herrick
“The Tour” ‘Thirteen as twelve my Murray always took—’ Lord Byron
“The Idiot Boy ‘He wandered down the mountain grade’ Wordsworth
“The Landau” ‘There was a landau deep and wide’ Praed
“Contradictions” ‘The drowsy carrier sways’ Longfellow
“Fastness” ‘This is the end whereto men toiled’ Tennyson
“The Beginner” ‘Lo what is that I make—sudden supreme unrehearsed—’ Robert Browning
“Lady Geraldine’s Hardship” ‘I turned—Heaven knows we women turn too much’ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
“The Bother” ‘Hastily Adam our driver swallowed a curse in the darkness—’ Clough
“The Dying Chauffeur” ‘Wheel me gently to the garage, since my car and I must part—’ Adam Lindsay Gordon
“The Inventor” ‘Time and Space decreed his lot’ R W Emerson
“The Ballad of the Car” “Now this is the price of a stirrup-cup,” Wardour Street Border Ballad
“A Child’s Garden” ‘Now there is nothing wrong with me’ Robert Louis Stevenson
“The Moral” ‘You mustn’t groom an Arab with a file’ Author unknown
“The Marrèd Drives of Windsor” ‘Here’s all at an end between us, or I’ll never taste sack again’. Shakespeare with an introduction by Samuel Johnson