News Archive

A tour of Bateman’s

The film shown at the Society’s meeting on 21 September 2022 can be viewed here.

A Kipling playlist on Spotify

We have put together this Spotify playlist with a selection of Kipling-related music containing both his verses set to music and music inspired by his works. If there is something you know is already…

Verse on our Facebook page

After three years of posts titled ‘Verse of the Week’, we have over six hundred followers, though with sharing this multiplies up. On March 20th for example, we had a ‘reach’ of more than six…

In the Kipling Library, April 13th

April 13th 2022 at 1800 BST on Zoom: members joined  Dr Toby Parker, the Society’s Honorary Archivist and John Walker, our Hon. Librarian, in a celebration of rare or unusual books and ephemera to be…

One spot beloved over all

Richard Howell’s talk from February 2022 on how Rudyard and Carrie acquired and developed the Bateman’s estate.  

Rudyard Kipling, a Secret Life

This remarkable documentary first seen in October 2019 on Sky Arts, is now available on DVD. Its main focus is a fresh and revealing exploration of events from Kipling’s grim childhood legacy of neglect and separation,…

• A Diversity of Kipling 2017

John Walker Bateman’s (revisited December 2024) On August 12th/13th 2017, a 24 hour reading of Kipling’s works was presented by the society from Bateman’s NT, Kipling’s home. It was masterminded by John Walker, then Chairman…

Rudyard Kipling by Andrew Lycett. Paperback edition

Ever since its publication in 1999, Andrew Lycett’s distinguished and deeply researched biography has been a standard work of reference for Kipling scholars and general readers alike. This paperback edition, with a new introduction by…

A battle in Afghanistan

As Charles Carrington recounts (p. 214) in 1894, on holiday in Bermuda, Kipling chanced to meet a sergeant in the Royal Berkshire Regiment who carried him off to the sergeant’s mess. This enabled Kipling…


Newsletters are sent by e-mail to members four weeks before each Society meeting, with details of that meeting and other events, reports on past events, and articles on subjects large and small. Past newsletters are available below, each with an item of particular interest highlighted.

Any member who is not currently receiving an online copy of the Newsletter and would like their name to be added to the mailing list should email the Membership Secretary, Fiona Renshaw, at