ipling Mailbase
Anyone interested in exchanging ideas or questions about RK via the web, can join the Rudyard Kipling discussion forum, which uses the well established academic ‘JiscMail’ system (previously known as ‘Mailbase’).
Any member of the ‘rudyard-kipling’ mailbase can exchange messages by email with everyone else on the list. It is a simple informal system for corresponding with other Kipling enthusiasts anywhere in the world. There are currently some 120 members.
The issues raised have ranged widely, including:
- the ‘bomb’ in ‘Mary Postgate’,
- what RK meant by the expression ‘dowey old cassowary’ used of Mary by Wynn,
- the meaning of ‘ikona’,
- the possible whereabouts of the picture associated with the poem ‘The Vampire’,
- Caroline Kipling’s childhood,
- how to find particular rare editions,
- on-line sources of Kipling poems,
- the poem The City of Dreadful Night from which RK took the expression,
- and echoes of spiritualism in the story ‘They’.
Visit the admin page of the JiscMail service, where you can register as a member, de-register, set or change your password, and find the archive of earlier correspondence.
There is no charge for joining. If you have any problems getting yourself on, email to rudyard-kipling-request@jiscmail.ac.uk