Members Only

We are a world-wide community of Kipling’s readers, with on line access to what people are saying today about him and his writings, and members on every continent.

Our library at Haileybury College houses a treasure-trove for scholars, writers, programme-makers, and interested readers. There are many editions of Kipling’s works both rare and familiar, criticism, biographies, translations, photographs, cuttings, and printed ephemera.

At triannual meetings in London we have speakers from many different countries. We stream these talks world-wide to our members on Zoom. Recent subjects have included “The Wish House and the Working Class” by Mark Paffard, “Kipling at the Sorbonne” by Rosamond Parsons, and “Kipling, Kingsley, Conan Doyle and the Anglo-Boer War” by Sarah LeFanu, author of the recently published book, Something of Themselves.

These talks are also published in the Kipling Journal for all members. The full searchable archive of Journals back to 1927 is available to Members on this web-site.

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