News Archive

Kipling teaching children how to write

At the Society we have been delighted to be approached recently by a teacher whose Year Five pupils have been excited by the Just-So stories and are now writing their own. If there are other…

Kipling as a Science Fiction writer

Poul Anderson, a leading American science fiction writer, wrote of Kipling: “He is for everyone who responds to vividness, word magic, sheer storytelling. Most readers go on to discover the subtleties and profundities.”  There are…

Kipling’s Atlas

When Max Aitken, the future Lord Beaverbrook,  came to England from Canada in 1910, one of the first people he made friends with was Rudyard Kipling, the most widely read author in the English speaking…

Rottingdean Tour film

The filmed tour of Kipling’s Rottingdean, shown at the meeting of 20 September 2023.

The John McGivering Writing Prize 2023 – Results

Janet Montefiore  writes:  Competitors were invited to submit poems about war for this year’s John McGivering Writing Prize, with an accompanying competition for Younger Writers. 61 poems, and 6 from younger writers were submitted and…

Discussion: ‘The Light that Failed’

On Thursday 20th April at 6pm there was an online meeting to discuss Kipling’s The Light That Failed, his first novel and an intriguing tale of unrequited love, art, war and male comradery. Unfortunately the…

Kipling, Rajahs and the Raj

Professor Harish Trivedi delivered this most interesting talk under the above title on 19 May 2023.

The web-site since the Face-lift

As the nights get longer in northern latitudes use of the internet tends to increase. Our reader numbers are currently some 3008 a day, sometimes a little higher sometimes lower. The verse is the main…

Recording of 1 February 2023 meeting

On 1 February 2023, Rufus Vaughan-Spruce spoke to the Society on the topic ‘The Other Man Who Could Write: Stephen Wheeler as Man of Letters’.

The King’s Pilgrimage

On 16 November 2022, Christopher Kreuzer gave a talk to the Society on the 1922 visit of King George V to the Flanders war graves, the subject of Kipling’s poem ‘The King’s Pilgrimage’, during which…


Newsletters are sent by e-mail to members four weeks before each Society meeting, with details of that meeting and other events, reports on past events, and articles on subjects large and small. Past newsletters are available below, each with an item of particular interest highlighted.

Any member who is not currently receiving an online copy of the Newsletter and would like their name to be added to the mailing list should email the Membership Secretary, Fiona Renshaw, at