The New Army in Training

(notes by Roger Ayers)


On August 4th 1914, following the German invasion of Belgium, Britain declared war on Germany. During the autumn, Kipling wrote six articles about the training of the new British troops who had volunteered to fight. These were published in the Daily Telegraph in December 1914.

Early in 1915 they were collected in a 64-page booklet, published in the United Kingdom as The New Army in Training (price sixpence), and in the United States as The New Army.

They were subsequently collected in:

  • Scribner’s Outward Bound Edition Vol. XXXIV
  • The Burwash Edition Vol. XX
  • The Sussex Edition Vo;. XXIV p.5

The articles

1. The Men at Work – December 7th 1914
2. Iron into Steel – December 10th 1914
3. Guns and Supply –  December 14th 1914
4. Canadians in Camp – December 19th 1914
5. Indian Troops –  December 21st 1914
6. Territorial Battalions – December 24th 1914
