December 18th to 28th
With the fruitless years behind us, and the hopeless years before us, |
This is from “Christnas in India“, published in 1886 and collected in Departmmental Ditties, an ironic reflection by the young Kipling on the feelings of Anglo-Indians at Christmas tide, in an alien country among alien peope.; a strange land a long from Home. They conjure up the Christmas spirit of good cheer and fellowship, but, frustrated and liverish, some wonder if the British presence here may be futile.
Our Lord Who did the Ox command |
In its language his poem, “A Carol” echoes a mediaeval Christmas carol, ” Joys Seven” which celebrates the joys of the Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus. Kipling’s poem, however, is a meditation on conflicting loyalties, on duty and duress, on the need for authority in a dangerous world, and on the issue of who an judge. and where true justice lies, These are strong themes in Kiplnf’s exploration of English history in the Puck stories, and in his reflections on the South African War, which he wintnedded at first hand. It is linked to “A Burgher of the Free State“”,” published in 1900, during that war, and to “The Tree of Justice” in Rewards and Fairies, about a time of great tension in twelfth century England between the conquering Normans and the subject Saxons. |
A Star stood forth in Heaven; |
This is from “A Nativity“, the prayer of a bereaved mother, published two days before Christmas in 1916 when the Great War was still deadlocked, with fearful slaughter on the Western Front. The Kiplings had lost their only son John the previous year, in his first battle., aged eighteen. A sober reminder that for some there canbe no rejoicing at Christmas time. |