Booklist – Criticism

Amalric, J.C. (Ed.)Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (No.33)Université Paul ValéryMontpellier1991
Devoir et Liberté: The Ship That Found Herself by E Hanquart-Turner.
Amis, KingsleyRudyard KiplingThames & HudsonLondon1975
A brief illustrated introduction, very well reviewed.
Anon.ABC: Role-playing in Kipling;s Airship UtopiaGames Review MagazineSwanage1990
Article in magazine.
Anon.Giants of Literature - KiplingSampson Lowe MarsdenLondon1971

Bauer, Helen PikeRudyard Kipling - A Study of the Short FictionTwayne PublishersNew York City1994
A valuable work with useful chronology and bibliography.
Bayley, JohnThe Uses of Division Chatto and WindusLondon1976

Bayley, JohnThe Short Story in EnglishHarvester PressBrighton1988

Bratton, Jacqueline S.Kipling's Magic ArtOxford University Press
Text of Chatterton Lecture at the British Academy, 1978. Pamphlet.
Bodelsen, C.AAspects of Kipling's ArtManchester Univ. Press
Author was Professor of English Language and Literature at Copenhagen University.
Braybrooke, PatrickKipling and His SoldiersC.W.Daniel Co.London1925

Brion, MarcelRudyard KiplingLa Nouvelle Revue CritiqueParis1929

Brion, MarcelRudyard Kipling

Typescript of English translation of the above.
Brogan, HughKipling After Fifty YearsRSA JournalLondon1986
Paper given to the Royal Society of Arts on 23 January 1986.
Brogan, HughMowgli's Sons - Kipling and Baden Powell's ScoutsJonathan CapeLondon1987

Catagner, Claude (Ed.)Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (No.50)Université Paul ValéryMontpellier1999
La Musique Populaire des Iles Britanniques (1835-1915).
Cherry, F.R.The Concept of the Law in Rudyard Kipling's Verse

Typescript of thesis presented at Hull University.
Clark, Charles GordonChristianity in Kipling's Verse

Article in 'Theology' (January).
Clarke, W.J.See G.F.Monkshood (Nom de plume).

Coates, JohnThe Day's Work: Kipling and the Idea of SacrificeFairleigh Dickinson University Pr.

Colley, TerryRudyard Kipling: Poet of the People

Typescript of study presented for BA degree at Humberside University.
Croft-Cooke, RupertRudyard KiplingHome & Van ThalLondon1948
A brief (108pp.) account.
Crook, NoraKipling's Myths of Love and DeathMacmillan & Co.London1989
Author focuses on 'Mrs. Bathurst', 'The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes', Mary Postgate' and 'A Madonna of the Trenches'.
Dillingham, William B.Rudyard Kipling, Hell and Heroism Palgrave Macmillan New York2005

Dillingham, William B.Being Kipling Palgrave Macmillan New York2008

Dillingham, William B
Rudyard Kipling: Life, Love, and Art
ELT PressGreensboro North Carolina2013
Dobrée, BonamyRudyard KiplingLongmans GreenLondon1951
Pamphlet produced for the British Council & the National Book League.
Dobrée, BonamyRudyard Kipling: Realist and FabulistOxford University PressLondon1967

Dormois, Jean-Pierre (Ed.)Cahiers Victoriens et Edouardiens (No.48)Université Paul ValéryMontpellier1998
Economic and Social Issues in Victorian and Edwardian Britain.
Dunman, JackRudyard Kipling Re-estimatedMarxism Today.Aug1965
Article in journal. Two copies.
Durand, RalphA Handbook to the Poetry of Rudyard KiplingHodder & StoughtonLondon1914

Edwardes, MichaelRudyard Kipling and the Imperial ImaginationTwentieth Century
Article in journal (June).
Escarpit, RobertRudyard Kipling: Servitude et Grandeur ImperialeHachetteParis1955
French paperback.
Everett, BarbaraWhy Do We Admire Jane Austin

Article in 'London Review of Books', 8/2/96.
Falls, CyrilRudyard Kipling: A Critical StudyMartin SeckerLondon1915

Feeley, Margaret PellerThe Kim That Nobody ReadsUniv.of WisconsinWhitewater, WI1981
Article from 'Studies in the Novel', Fall 1981.
Ferguson, J. DelanceyThe Education of Rudyard Kipling

Article in 'Education' (November) given by author.
Foote, TimothyFifty Years On, 'O Best Beloved'

Article in 'The Smithsonian', (January). Kipling is making a comeback after fifty years.
Frost, J.R.Kim NotesColes Publg. Co.Ltd.Toronto1962
School textbook.
Gauger, WilheimWandlungsmotive in Rudyard Kipling's ProsawerkWilheim FinkMunich1975
Discussion of the changeling motif.
Green, Roger LancelynKipling and the ChildrenElek BooksLondon1965

Green, Roger Lancelyn (Ed.) Kipling, The Critical HeritageEoutledge and Kegan PaulLondon1971

Haefs, GisbertKipling CompanionHaffmans VerlagZurich1987
In German.
Hardacre, K.Rudyard Kipling's KimJames Brodie Ltd.Bath

Notes on chosen school exam text, ca.1930. Paperback.
Harrison, JamesRudyard KiplingTwayne PublishersBoston, MA1982

Hart, Walter MorrisKipling, the Story-WriterUniversity of California PressBerkeley1918

Havholm, PeterPolitics and Awe in Kipling's FictionAshgateLondon2008

Henn, T.R.KiplingOliver & BoydEdinburgh1967
Pamphlet in 'Writers and Critics' series.
Hopkins, G. & R.ThurstonLiterary Originals of SussexAlex J. PhilipGravesend1936

Hopkins, R.ThurstonRudyard Kipling - A Character StudySimkin Marshall H&KLondon1921

Hopkins, R.ThurstonRudyard Kipling - A Literary AppreciationSimkin Marshall H&KLondon1916

Hopkins, R.ThurstonRudyard Kipling - The Story of a GeniusCecil PalmerLondon1930

Hopkins, R.ThurstonRudyard Kipling - A Survey of His Literary ArtDigby LongLondon1914

Hopkins, R.ThurstonRudyard Kipling's WorldRobert Holden & Co.London1925

Hopkirk, PeterA Quest for KimJohn MurrayLondon1996
A fascinating study. Inscribed to the Kipling Society by the author.
Hopkirk, PeterA Quest for KimJohn MurrayLondon1996
Second copy of the above.
Hughes, RandolphKipling - Une Appréciation AnglaiseMercure de France
Photocopy, 15pp.
Islam, ShamsulKipling's Law - A Study of his Philosophy of LifeMacmillan & Co.London1975
Foreword by J.M.S.Tompkins.
Jammiluddin, K.The Tropic Sun - Rudyard Kipling and the RajLucknow University
A serious and interesting study. Paperback.
Jensen, Johanis V.Rudyard KiplingV. Pios BoghandelCopenhagen1912
Paperback in Danish.
Judd, DenisKipling's Imperialism (Jubilee angst in 1887)

Article in 'History Today' (June).

Karlin, Daniel
Rudyard Kipling, a critical edition of the major worksOxford University Press
Excellent notes
Kavanagh, JulieBooks! Books! Books!

Article on resurgence of Kipling as he comes out of copyright from 'Harpers & Queen' (February).
Keating, PeterKipling the PoetSecker & WarburgLondon1994

Kemp, SandraKipling's Hidden NarrativesBasil BlackwellOxford1988

King, RonaldA Theory Regarding 'An Habitation Enforced'.

Documents backing a theory put forward in the Kipling Journal, Dec.1985, p.34.
Krarup,, SorenDet Tavse FlertalTidehvervs Forlag
Conservative Danish clergyman approving of the ethos of Stalky.
Kurth, RudigerRudyard Kipling's Imperial Poetry in Seven Seas
Typescript thesis in German. Summary in English.
Lane, JohnSee Richard Le Gallienne, 'Rudyard Kipling - A Criticism' for an early Kipling bibliography, 1881-1899.

Laski, MarganitaFrom Palm to PineSidgewick & JacksonLondon1987
'Rudyard Kipling - At Home and Abroad'.
Lauterbach, Edward S.Review, Aspects of Kipling's Art, Bodelsen Eng. Lit in TransitionLafayette, IN1966
Vol. 7, No. 4, p.245
Lauterbach, Edward S.Review, Rudyard Kipling to Rider Haggard (Ed. Cohen) Eng. Lit in TransitionLafayette, IN1966
Vol. 9, No. 2, p.111
Lazzeri, GiancarloL'India e L'Impero in Rudyard KiplingUniversity of Florence
Typescript of thesis in Italian.
Le Gallienne, RichardRudyard Kipling - A CriticismJohn Lane (Bodley Head)London1900
Early book on Kipling. Contains substantial bibliographical material prepared by John Lane. Copy of Beerbohm's "notorious improvement" to the frontispiece enclosed. See also (SS36) Anice Page Cooper, Rudyard Kipling.
Lerner, Fred et alNiekas Science Fiction and Fantasy No. 44
Center Harbor, NH1994
Science fiction journal with a special feature on Kipling.
Lewis, LisaKipling and Virginia Woolf

Article in 'English Literature in Transition' Vol.41 No.3. Given by Lisa Lewis.
Lewis, LisaSome Links Between the Stories in Debits and Credits

Article in 'English Literature in Transition' Vol.25 No.2. Given by Lisa Lewis.
McKay, GeorgeKay Dick's 'They' and Rudyard Kipling's 'They'FoundationLondon1993
'Intertextual Politicisation & the Grand End of Narrative'. Article in 'Review of Science Fiction' No.58.
MacMunn, Lt.Gen. Sir GeorgeKipling's WomenSampson Lowe MarstonLondon1933

MacMunn, Lt.Gen. Sir GeorgeRudyard Kipling, CraftsmanRobrt Hale & Co.London1937

Manley, SeonRudyard Kipling - Creative AdventurerVanguard PressNew York City1963

Mason, PhilipKipling - The Glass, the Shadow and the FireJonathan CapeLondon1975
Having loved Kipling as a child, disliked him as a student, then ignored him for thirty years Mason (ex-ICS) documents his return to him in retirement.
Maurois, AndréPoets and ProphetsCassellLondon1936
(tr. Hamish Miles)
McClure, John AKipling and Conrad, The Colonial FictionHarvard University Press

Monkshood, G.F. (W.J.Clarke)Rudyard Kipling - An Attempt at AppreciationGreening & Co.London1899
Illustrated. First book on Kipling published in England. G.F.Monkshood is the nom de plume of W.J.Clarke.
Monkshood, G.F. (W.J.Clarke)The Less Familiar Kipling and KiplingianaJarrold & SonsLondon1917
Includes substantial bibliographical information. Illustrated.
Monkshood, G.F. (W.J.Clarke)The Less Familiar Kipling and KiplingianaJarrold & SonsLondon1936
Revised edition of above.
Montefiore, Janet Rudyard KiplingNorthcoteLondon2007

Montefiore, Janet In Time's Eye Manchester U. PressManchester2013
Essays on Rudyard Kipling
Moore, JulianRudyard Kipling's OdeKipling Society of AustraliaMelbourne1999
Critical account of the genesis of the poem Kipling wrote for the Melbourne Shrine of Remembrance in 1934. Four copies.
Moore, KatherineThe White Man's BurdenFaber & FaberLondon1968
One of a 'Study Series' on the teaching of history. Paperback.
Moore-Gilbert, B.J.Kipling and OrientalismCroom HelmLondon1986
Given by Lisa Lewis.
Morrell, David M.Kipling's Verses - An Evaluation of the Major Themes
Typescript of a thesis.
Moss, Robert F.Rudyard Kipling and the Fiction of AdolescenceMacmillan & Co.London1982

Munro, JohnKipling's Kim and Co-existenceEng. Lit in TransitionLafayette, IN1964
Vol. 7, No. 4, p.222
Nagai, KaoriEmpire of Analogies: Kipling, India and Ireland Cork Universoty PressCork2006

Nicolis, NicolettaRudyard Kipling - L'Esperienza Americana

Thesis presented at University of Verona. Bound typescript.
Orel, HaroldRudyard Kipling and the EstablishmentDuke University PressDurham, NC1982
Offprint from 'South Atlantic Quarterly' Vol.81.
Orel, HaroldRudyard Kipling and the Establishment

Brief summary of above article in 'The Wilson Quarterly'.
Ormond, LeonéeMacmillan Master Guide to KimMacmillan & Co.Basingstoke1988
Paperback 'geared to the requirements of major examination boards'. Paperback, 88pp. Presented by Prof. Ormond.
Paffard, MarkKipling's Indian FictionMacmillan & Co.London1989

Palmer, JohnRudyard KiplingNisbet & Co.London1915
'Writers of the Day' series.
Parry, AnnThe Poetry of Rudyard KiplingOpen University PressBuckingham1992
Parsons, E.M.Notes on Rudyard Kipling's KimMethuen PaperbacksLondon1979
Study notes.
Peterson, William S.The Light That Failed: Kipling's Version of DecadenceEng. Lit in TransitionLafayette, IN1966
Vol. 9, No. 3, p.153
Pinney, Thomas (Ed.)"The Cause of Humanity and Other Stories"Cambridge University PressCambridge2019
Annotated collection of previously uncollected prose fiction
Pinney, Thomas The Kipling That Nobody ReadsMagdalene CollegeCambridge1998
Paper on the more esoteric works of Kipling. Pamphlet.
Randall, DonKipling's Imperial BoyPalgraveBasingstoke2000
The sub-title is 'Adolescence and Cultural Hybridity'.
Rao, K. BhaskaraRudyard Kipling's IndiaUniv. of Oklahoma Press
Rao believes Kipling did damage to Anglo-Indian relations.
Rawlinson, DavidThe Tremendous Puzzle: Kipling's StoriesLa Trobe University
Article (11pp.) in 'Meridian - La Trobe University English Revue' Vol.6 No.2.
Roberton, WilliamThe Kipling Guide Book — A Handy Guide to Rudyard Kipling, His Life and Writings with a Bibliography of His WorksThe Holland CompanyBirmingham1899
Norman Kerr of Cartmel was offering a copy in 1992 for £35.00; his catalogue included 'A scarce and very early piece of Kiplingiana; Clarke's (Monkshood's) "Rudyard Kipling — An Attempt at Appreciation" appeared in the same year but the only earlier book that we can trace is Forster's "Notebook of Kipling" also published by the Holland Company in November 1898.' 52pp. Hardback
Robson, W. W. The Jungle Books (Ed.) Oxford University Press Oxford1987
Introduction to Oxford World Classics Edition of the Jungle Books
Rowse, A.L.Kipling ReassessedBlackwood's Magazine
Review of Angus Wilson's The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling. (June issue).
Rutherford, AndrewSome Aspects of Kipling's VerseOxford University Press
Chatterton Lecture given at the British Association. Pamphlet.
Sarramon, ChristianRudyard Kipling - Pour l'Honneur de l'EmpireAniman
Article in French travel magazine.
Shahane, Vasant A.Rudyard Kipling Activist and ArtistSouthern Illinois UPCarbondale IL1975
An Indian response to Kipling's writings.
Shanks, EdwardRudyard KiplingMacmillan & Co.London1940
A Study in Literature and Political Ideas.
Shengold, LeonardSoul MurderYale University PressNew Haven CT1989
'The Effects of Childhood Abuse and Deprivation' by a New York psychiatrist.
Shepperson, GeorgeThe World of Rudyard KiplingOliver and BoydEdinburgh1964
Ed. Andrew Rutherford
Suhnel, RudolfKontemplation und AktionCarl WinterHeidelberg1972
Orient und Oksident im Werk von Rudyard Kipling.
Tompkins, J.M.S.The Art of Rudyard KiplingMethuenLondon1959
Major work of criticism.
Tompkins, J.M.S.The Art of Rudyard KiplingUniv. of Nebraska PressLincoln, NE1965
Centenary edition with new introduction and textual corrections. Paperback.
Tompkins, J.M.S.Kipling's Later Tales: The Theme of HealingCambridge Univ. Press
Article in The Modern Language Review (January).
Webb, GeorgeKipling 1865-1936 - The Durability of His WorkThe Round Table
Offprint of article on the fiftieth anniversary of Kipling's death.
Webb, GeorgeKipling as a Regimental HistorianArmy & Defence Journal
Vol. 119, No. 1. (January).
Weygandt, AnnKipling's reading, and its influence on his poetryUniversity of Pennsylvania Press

Whitehead, JohnThe Barrack Room BalladsHearthstoneMunslow1997
Introduction and notes
Worster, W.Merlin's Isle - A Study of Rudyard Kipling's EnglandGyldendalLondon

Nagai, KaoriImperial Beast Fables


Rooney, C and Nagai, K (Eds)Kipling and Beyond, Patriotism, Globalisation and Postcolonialism.


Erickson, EA Soldier’s Kipling, Poetry and the Profession of Arms


Bubb, AlexanderMeeting without knowing, Kipling and Yeats


Sergeant, DavidKipling’s Art of FictionOxford Univ. PressOxford2013

Hai, AmbreenMaking Words MatterOhio University PressAthens2009

McBratney, JohnImperial Subjects, Imperial Space: Rudyard Kipling’s Fiction of the Native-BornOhio State University PressColumbus2002

Moore-Gilbert, BartThe Bhabhal of Tongues: Reading Kipling, Reading Bhabha (in Writing India)Manchester University PressManchester1996

Murari, Timeri NThe Imperial AgentHodder and StoughtonLondon1987

Norbu, JamyangThe Mandala of Sherlock HolmesHarper CollinsDelhi1999

Parry, AnnThe Poetry of Rudyard KiplingOpen University PressBuckingham1992

Rushdie, Salman‘Kipling’ in Imaginary HomelandsVikingNew York1991

Said, EdwardCulture and ImperialismChatto and WindusLondon1993

Sullivan, ZohrehNarratives of Empire: The Fictions of Rudyard KiplingCambridge University PressCambridge1993

Williams, Patrick‘Kim and Orientalism’ in Kipling ReconsideredMacmillanBasingstoke1989

Batchelor, JohnHow the Just So Stories were MadeYale UPNew Haven2021

Pafford, MarkConservative Belief and the Imagination in Kipling’s FictionPalgrave MacMillanCham, Switzerland2023

Coates, JohnKipling the TricksterPeter LangOxford2021

Hagiioannu, AndrewThe Man who Would be Kipling: the colonial fiction and the frontiers of exilePalgrave MacMillanBasingstoke2003

Rooney, C and Nagai, K (Eds)Kipling and Beyond, Patriotism, Globalisation and Postcolonialism.Palgrave MacMillanBasingstoke2010