Booklist – Anthologies AuthorTitlePublisherLocationYearNotes Anon. (Ed.)The Golden ReciterSeeley & Co.London1906Introduction by Cairns James. T S Eliot (Ed.)A Choice of Kipling's VerseFaberLondon1941With an introductory essay Griffith, Ernest and Kilmer, Kenton (Eds.)The Congressional AnthologyUniversity PressWashington DCPoems selected by Senators and Members of the House of Representatives. Harris, BrianTheTwo-sided ManCreateSpace North Charlestone, South Carolina 2014A selection of the short stories of Rudyard Kipling Harris, BrianThe Surprising Mr KiplingCreateSpace North Charlestone, South Carolina 2015An anthology and re-assessment of the poetry of Rudyard Kipling Hyne, C.J.Cutcliffe (Ed.)For Britain's SoldiersMethuenLondon1900 Johnson, Rob (Ed.)Short LinesSt. Martin's PressNew York City1996'A Collection of Classic American Railway Stories'. Illustrated by Don Hazlitt. Keating, Peter (Ed.)Working Class Stories of the 1890sRoutledge Kegan & PaulLondon1971Stories by Kipling, Gissing, Henry Nevinson, St. John Adcock et al. Keating, Peter (Ed.)Rudyard Kipling Selected Poems Penguin ClassicsLondon2001 Kemp, Sandra, and Lewis, Lisa (Eds.)Writings on WritingCambridge University PressCambridge1996Kipling on writing and writers Kilmer, KentonEditor. See Ernest Griffith, The Congressional Anthology. Knight, Damon (Ed.)One Hundred Years of Science FictionPanLondon1978Includes 'With the Night Mail'. Thomas Pinney (Ed.)Rudyard Kipling's Uncollected Speeches: A Second Book of WordsELT PressGreensboro, North Carolina200848 speeches, on various topics, to various audiences Raine, Craig (Ed.)A Choice of Kipling's Prose Faber & Faber London1987 Roberts, David (Ed.)Minds at War - The Poetry and Experience of the First World WarSaxon BooksBurgess Hill1998Recommended by Hugh Brogan in the KJ of September 2000 to 'all who want their prejudices confirmed'. Rutherford, Andrew (Ed.) Early Verse by Rudyard Kipling, 1879-1889Oxford University PressOxford1986Includes collected 'Early Verse' and unpublished, uncollected, and rarely collected poems. Yamada, S. (Ed.)New Selection from Eminent WritersKaibunshaTokyo1920Editor was a professor at the Staff College. Pinney, Thomas (Ed.)The Poems of Rudyard Kipling2013 Lycett, A (Ed.)Kipling and War, from ‘Tommy’ to ‘My Boy Jack’, an anthology2015 Lycett, A (Ed.)Kipling and the Sea, Voyages and Discoveries2014 Lycett, A (Ed.)Kipling Abroad, Traffics and Discoveries from Burma to Brazil2010 Karlin, Daniel (Ed.)Rudyard Kipling, Stories and PoemsOxford University PressOxford2015