
March 27 to April 3


The beast’s head was free, and it threw it about from side to side. Anyone entering the room would have believed that we were curing a wolf’s pelt. That was the most loathsome accessory of all.


This from “The Mark of the Beast” in Life’s Handicap.

Fleete, after heavy drinking at a New Year’s party, desecrates a statue of Hanuman in a temple, in the presence of the priests. A leper attached to the temple marks Fleelte’s chest in a way that  that causes him, after they get home, to gradually lose his human nature and develop the smell and appetitie of a wolf.

He is only  cured when Strickland and the narrator capture the priest and force hm to take off the spell.

‘It’s–it’s villagers’ ponies.’ ‘Then our horses would have neighed and spoilt the attack long ago. They must have been near us for half an hour,’ said the subaltern. ‘Queer that we can’t smell the horses,’ said the Major, damping his finger and rubbing it on his nose as he sniffed up the wind.


This is from “The Lost Legion”, in Many Inventions.

A squadron of cavalry, out on a night operation on a remote hillside, find themselves in among strange horses in the dark. They are the ghosts of a mutineer regiment which tears before had fled to the hills and  massacfred by tribesmen.

“What the deuce is the meaning of this?” he roared, with an accusing forefinger.

“You’re sunk, that’s all. You’ve been dead half a tide.”

“Dead am I? I’ll show you whether I’m dead or not, sir!”

‘Well, you may be a survivor,’ said Moorshed ingratiatingly, ‘though it isn’t at all likely.’


This is from: “‘Their Lawful Occasions’ in Traffics and Discoveries.

The narrator is out on a little torpedo boat during war exercises between ‘Red Fleet’ and ‘Blue Flee’t of the Royal Navy. Using various dastardly ruses on a foggy night they have manoeuverd up to a massive battle cruiser, within firing-range,  and marked her a ‘sunk’.