(January 11th to 17th)
Format: Triple
…They clawed, they slapped, they fled, leaving behind them a trophy of banners and brasses crudely arranged round the big drum. Then that end of the street also shut its windows, and the village, stripped of life, lay round me like a reef at low tide… This is from “The Vortex” in A Diversity of Creatures. Four boxes of bees have been dropped in the street in a crowded country village on a hot summer afternoon. They swarm into the air, stinging everyone in their path. |
This is from “The Bonds of Discipline” in Traffics and Discoveries |
The sea … drummed tackily to gather my attention, coughed, spat, cleared its throat, and, on the eve of that portentous communication, retired up stage as a multitude whispering. Anon, I caught the tramp of armies afoot, the hum of crowded cities awaiting the event, the single sob of a woman, and a dry roaring of wild beasts… |
This is from “Their Lawful Occasions” in Traffics and Discoveries. |
Very far to the west an elongated blur of red, low down, shows us the North Banks Mark Boat. There are specks of fire round her rising and falling – bewildered planets about an unstable sun – helpless shipping hanging on to her light for company’s sake. No wonder she could not quit station… |
This is from “With the Night Mail” in Actions and Reactions |