Quotes habitation


In the ungrazed pastures swaths of dead stuff caught their feet, and the ground beneath glistened with sweat. At the bottom of the valley a little brook had undermined its footbridge, and frothed in the wreckage. But there stood great woods on the slopes beyond—old, tall, and brilliant, like unfaded tapestries against the walls of a ruined house.


This is from “An habitation enforced””. Collected in Actions and Reactions.

George  Chapin, a successful  young American businessman has had a breakdown from overwork. As a rest cure he and his wife Sophie embark on a round of sightseeing in  Europe. In London a friend sends them to a farm in deepest Sussex, to see the ‘real England’’

Here they are exploring,  out in  unkempt   fields,. Further on they happen on a beautiful old house, the centre  of a neglected estate. Later   Sophie finds that her forebears had come from that very place. They decide to settle down there, taking on the traditional responsibilities of English landowners, and begin  a new life. The place has reclaimed its own.