Kipling Journal: KJ373

Published: May 2018

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4John Lockwood Kipling: Changing Worlds, Conference reportKemp, Sandra, and Bubb, Alex
7John Lockwood Kipling, Ram Singh and the Mayo School of ArtsTarar, Nadeem Omar
23The verbal vernacular, Lockwood Kipling as curator of folklore and folk idiomBubb, Alex
31Of Beasts and Gods in India. “Beast and Man”, and “The Bridge-builders”Trivedi, Harish
46Lockwood Kipling and AmericaBenfey, Christopher
56Two news reports from LahoreKipling, Rudyard, Ed. Pinney, Thomas
59John Lockwood Kipling, Arts and Crafts in the Punjab, Ed. Julius Bryant and Susan Weber: reviewTurci, Monica
64Collecting The Railway LibraryDiamond, Bryan