Kipling Journal: KJ359

Published: Mar 2015

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12A poet’s diction: hard words in Kipling’s poemsPinney, Thonas
29Jewish jokes in ‘The Treasure and the Law’Karlin, Daniel
38Let them publish and be damned’Levin, Bernard
42Trouble in Utopia’Lawson, Peter
53Haunted Subalterns’Kipling, Rudyard
58Book review: ‘The Surprising Mr Kipling: an anthology’, by Brian HarrisMontefiore, Jan, Alastair
62Mark Paffard on ‘William the Conqueror’ (letter)Wilson, Alastair
63The late Peter Hopkirk (letter)Tarin, Omer
63The Parsee’s Tale’ (letter)McGivering, John