Kipling Journal: KJ299

Published: Sep 2001

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06&08UNDERTAKERS (JB2). Incident on the Ganges 1857. IllustrationTresilian, Stuart (with note)
9Kipling – this magician, this wordsmith, this coiner of ‘copybook headings’Editorial
10Kipling – with Chaucer, Shakespeare & Dickens – an inexplicable geniusJohnson,Paul
11Kipling and the British Empire. Transcript of talk to the Society, 11/4/01Morris, Jan
25This quarter 70 years ago (3)…Sussex dialect words, Southeby’s (sic) sale…See also: KJ 19, p 76 etc
28Annual luncheon 2001, including the address by Adam NicolsonWith various introductions
38France. Suggested motor tour in K. letter to Lady Betty Harris (1925)With K's Michelin notes
40Hated wife: Carrie Kipling 1862-1939, by Adam Nicolson. Short Bks. 2001Webb, George (review)
43Circle of sisters, by Judith Flanders. Viking. September 2001Keskar, Sharad (review)
45Kipling Society, The. Treasurer requests an assistant.
46Brock, Dr. Michael. DrawingFrink, Dame Elizabeth
47Kipling Society, The. President: an appraisal of Dr. Michael BrockKeskar, Sharad
50Kipling Journal, The. Editor 6: George Webb. Thanks for parting giftC
52Kipling Society, The. Secretary 8: Michael Smith elected Vice-PresidentC
52MAN WHO WOULD BE KING (WWW). Dravot and CamehanC
54Hated wife: Carrie Kipling 1862-1939, by Adam Nicolson. Short Bks. 2001C
55Burwash. Kipling visits to Burwash and decorating at Bateman’sC
55SONG OF THE PILLOW FIGHT. Text possibly by KiplingPinney, Thomas (C)
56Bateman’s. Day at Bateman’s, 21 June 2001Keskar. Jane
58Lahore. Revisited by Dr. M. Enamul Karim and his wife in October 2000News and notices
58Plaque for RK: … planned to be placed on the wall of Lorne LodgeNews and notices
59Anglo-American-Polish Association (AAPA). Brief notesNews and notices
59AT THE END OF THE PASSAGE (LH). Images from the eyes of the deadNews and notices
59Soldier, soldier: Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling. Artworks CD 25 Australian dollars