Kipling Journal: KJ296

Published: Dec 2000

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06&08JUNGLE BOOK 1. Sketches for ‘Tiger! Tiger!’ & ‘Mowgli’s brothers’Kipling, Rudyard (illus)
9Kipling Journal, The. Editor 6: George Webb resignation editorial [A]
9Kipling Journal, The. Editor 7: Sharad Keskar appointed
10Kipling Journal, The. Editor 7: Sharad Keskar appointment editorial [B]
10Kipling Journal, The. Editor 7: Sharad Keskar appointment editorial [B]
12Bateman’s. ‘Upstairs / Downstairs’ at Bateman’sClaremont, J.V.C.
19World war 1. Rudyard Kipling and the first world war + Editorial 297/10Potter, H.D. + C 297/52-5
43Kim centenary: Cambridge conference. Advance details[Dr. Jeffrey Lewins]
44Kipling Society, The. Annual general meeting No 73, 2000. R~
47&62Kipling Society, The. Subscription rates and reminders
48Library. Catalogue headings. Recent acquisitions. Letter discoverySlater, John
50Kipling Journal, The. Index update [:abridged text]Morgan, John
51Kipling Journal. The. Index and its wider useRadcliffe, John
52Lockwood Kipling. Bagshot Park and Lockwood KiplingC
53GARDENER (D&C). Different versions of ‘The Burden’C
56Manly pursuits, by Ann Harries. Bloomsbury, 1999. £15.99Lewis, Lisa (review)
57Hated wife, by Adam Nicolson. ‘Observer` comment on forthcoming bookKeskar, Sharad
58Kipling Journal, The. Editor 6: George Webb resigns: handsome tributeSmith, Michael
58Kipling Society, The. Secretary 8: Michael Smith resigns: farewell gift
60Kipling Journal, The. Editor 6: George Webb. Illus. by new EditorKeskar, Sharad
61Quiz. Kipling in ‘Mastermind’ Solution: 296/18
63Kipling Journal, The. Explanatory note
64Kipling Society, The. Explanatory note