Kipling Journal: KJ285

Published: Mar 1998

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6PRIVATE LEAROYD’S STORY (ST). Mrs DeSussa at home. IllustrationCleaver, Reginald
9Rutherford. Professor Andrew Rutherford. Vice-President. ObituaryEditorial
10Day’s work: Kipling and the idea of sacrifice, by John Coates. 1997. £24.50Editorial review
12OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS (FNv). Critical edition: an analysis C 286/44Mitchell, James [+text] + C
23Radio. Rudyard Kipling: radio amateur? [with K. ‘Listener card’ photocopy]Editor's note + C 286/42&3
27Freemasonry. Masonic vision in Kipling’s selected writingsKarim, Enamul
42MRS BATHURST (T&D). Dantean imitation in ‘Mrs Bathurst’Plowden, G.F.C.
44Bateman’s. Jan Wallwork-Wright succeeds David Fox as Property ManagerSociety notices
44Run of the downs: BBC2 Southern Eye programmeSociety notices
45Booklets for sale: ‘Just So’ Readers’ guide / Lest we forget £2.50 eachSociety notices
46Strickland, Lt-Col. John. Society member. ObituarySociety notices
48Under the old school topee, by Mrs H.M.Craig. Private pub. 1996. £10C + Editorial comment
49Mulvaney’s regiment R 287/44 288/81 289/42C + R
51Sleep. Kipling and sleep R 286/39C + R
52ISLANDERS (FNv). Sportsman’s rejoinder [:parody with text]C
53&54Kipling, John. Fate of John KiplingC
55Laureateship. Drink and the Laureateship [: according to ‘The Guardian’]C2
56Fishing. Kipling the fishermanC
56Wodehouse. P.G. Wodehouse on Kipling R 287/48 288/79C2 + R
57MRS BATHURST (T&D). P.G. Wodehouse ‘didn’t understand a word of it’C19
58MISERABLES: A TALE OF 1998…and the decline of the rupee C 286/40Frazer, K.M.L. + C
61LIFE’S HANDICAP. Preface: Gobind the one-eyed. IllustrationDumler, Doris
62Library. Recent additions/7 + 288/74 289/46 290/57Schreiber, Mrs Trixie