Kipling Journal: KJ271

Published: Sep 1994

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9Bohemian Club, San Francisco: K’s verses for the club’s badge, the OwlEditorial
12Portrait. Rudyard Kipling portrait. Date? Artist?Editorial
13Rottingdean. Grange Museum: newly-opened ‘Kipling Room’Smith, M. & Bendle, M.M.
19JUNGLE BOOKS. Stage production at Wimbledon’s Polka TheatreSmith, Michael (review)
22Kipling Society, The. Annual general meeting No 67, 1994. Report
24WIRELESS (T&D). Some reflections on a story by Kipling, a Keats poem…McGivering, John H.
38Golf…(see above)…with K’s ‘Divotee club’ diagram & ad. on pages 41-44CR
44Uncle Crom. K’s friendship with Cormell price. (see above)C
46Music settings. Any demand? See also: 277/55C9
47STALKY & CO. M’Turk in later life?C14
48BARRACK-ROOM BALLADS (v). Barrack-room terms R 272/54 274/60C1 + R
48JUNGLE BOOK 1. From Chil to Rann…name query R 272/50 274/55C + R
51Bateman’s. Mr Ronald King, of Bateman’s See also: 276/61 (Death)C12
52Trix. …on ‘Ruddy’: a ‘Kipling biography’ in verse by his sisterC
55STALKY & CO. Stalky at BatuC15
56Subalterns: technical definition of the term as employed in the British armyC
56TWO-SIDED MAN (K:Chapter 8v). Separate sides of the head queryC
58Albatross. ‘ …for I have seen the albatross’ verse query R 274/62C2 + R
58Fiji. Kipling poem about the old capital of Levuka queryC
59Change from cakes: ‘Kipling’ shop in Belgium… R 273/57C + R
59Naulakha. RestorationEditorial note
62Koechlin. Kipling and KoechlinC
62Science fiction. ‘Niekas’ issue No 44 +Editorial 272/09 (with illus. pp06,08)C2