Kipling Journal: KJ263

Published: Sep 1992

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6TOOMAI OF THE ELEPHANTS (JB1). Little Toomai&Kala Nag;woodcutBurian, Zdenek
8RIKKI-TIKKI-TAVI (JB1). He jumped up in the air…; woodcutBurian, Zdenek
9Grave. John Kipling’s grave C 264/49Editorial + C
11Poetry of Rudyard Kipling, by Ann Parry. OUP. 1992. £12.99Editorial review
13Twain. Kipling and Mark Twain; a literary friendship + C2 268/48Graver, William J. + illus
31SEA CONSTABLES (D&C). Nautical reappraisement + illustrationWilson, Alastair
40East and West; a biography of R.K., by Thomas N. Cross (review)Sheehan, G & Lewis, L
42Lahore. Visit in July 1992C5
47Medical matters. Kipling and migraineC2
48Music settings. Humming recalledC8
48Tyler. Death of Tilly Tyler, New England connoisseur of KiplingC
49Left unsaid. Clarification requested of ‘etc’ in Kipling’s verseC
50WAY AV UT (v). Its provenance R 264/51 265/45 266/42 267/43C(+text) + R
53Kipling Society, The. Annual general meeting No 65, 1992. Report