Kipling Journal: KJ259

Published: Sep 1991

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6FAIRY-KIST (L&R). What Keede sawEccles, David (illus)
9Duty. Reflections on Sunday Telegraph 21/7/91 article on ‘decline in virtue’Editorial
11Strange ride: a lecture about Rudyard Kipling for the Kipling Society, 1986Wilson, Angus
26H.M.S. Kipling. Note about the ship +249/51 + Society gift 282/37McGivering, J.H.
27Austen. Kipling and Jane Austen: why did he admire her so? + illusAshley, Audrey M.D.
37GARDENER (D&C). Reconsidered: what ‘rolled the stone away’Morris, Christopher
44KIM. My search for the river of the arrow + sketch-map + illusCrozier, L.A.
51Hungary. Stalky in Hungary: ‘feliciously exotic’ & ‘affirmation of freedom’Szántó, Piroska
57Last Bohemian, The, edited by Flavia Stamp Gruss. Bellew Pub. Co. £5.95Verrier, Anthony (review)
59Eliot. T.S. Eliot and mysticism, by Paul MurrayBook notice
59Inventing India: history of India in English-language fiction, by R.J.CraneBook notice
61Gallipoli. When two strong menC
62Carved stick. Kipling letter, and a carved stick (with ms reproduction)C
65Henley. Kipling, W.E. Henley and Pollock (+ manuscript reproduction)C
66Hammond, J.H. Kipling and John Hays HammondC
68Kipling Journal, The. Available in the (US) National Library for the Blind…C6
68PLAIN TALES FROM THE HILLS. US pirated edition R 260/50C2 + R
69Greece. Kipling, Greece and Compton MackenzieC2
70JUNGLE BOOKS. Mowgli and Bagheera statue, in RussiaPhotograph
71Hearn, L. Kipling and Lafcadio Hearn (Eng. Lit. prof. at Tokyo Univ.)C
73Library. City University. Library transfer, with conditions for use