Published: Sep 1987
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Page | Title | Author |
3&53 | POST THAT FITTED (DDv). Lavender water & Pears’ soap advertisements | Editorial comment |
8 | Whales. Authentic case of a whale swallowing a man? + R 244/35 249/38 | Editorial + R |
11 | HOW THE WHALE GOT HIS THROAT (JSS). Author illustration | Kipling, Rudyard |
12 | PROOFS OF HOLY WRIT. K.’s valedictory statement on art C 244/36 | Coates, John + C4 |
22 | Old Flotilla. Kipling’s ‘Old Flotilla’ + sketch by J.C.Burnie, p21 | McCrae, A.G. |
26 | From palm to pine: R.K. at home and abroad, by Marghanita Laski | Mason, Philip (review) |
28 | Victorian sisters, by Ina Taylor. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1987 + C 244/44 | Macdonald, Meryl (review) |
30 | World’s Classics series, 1987; 8 titles | Crook, Nora (review) |
31 | Penguin Classics, 1987; 12 titles + 245/38 | Crook, Nora (review) |
35 | Imperial agent: the sequel to Kipling’s ‘Kim’, by T.N. Murari. NEL, 1987 | Webb, Charles (review) |
39 | Cherry-Garrard, Apsley. Antarctic reading matter | C |
42 | Brecht. Kipling and Brecht | C2 |
42 | KAA’S HUNTING (JB1). Road song of the Bandar-Log: ‘scumfish’ query | C + R (see next entry) |
44 | Burne-Jones. Letters to Kipling on the birth of a son (+ illus) | |
47 | Kipling Society, The. Finances in 1986 (including computer investment) | Bittleston, T.S. |
50 | Uncle Ruddy remembered: 10. Kipling and his Aberdeen terriers + photo | Howard, Lorna |