Kipling Journal: KJ189

Published: Mar 1974

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1Annual luncheon 1974. Not held
2Auctions & sales. Joyce. David Gage Joyce’s K. collection in Chicago 9/73Editorial
2BAA, BAA, BLACK SHEEP (WWW). Granada projected TV playEditorial
3Lahore. Kim’s cityEditorial
4Rudyard Kipling and Lodge Hope & Perseverance C 190/15 191/17Karim, Enamul + C3
13Ing. Notes of a lecture on Rudyard Kipling, given by Mrs C.M.IngWhittington, T.H. (report)
14Tales of the mountain gunners, edited by C.H.T.MacFetridge and J.P.Warren[Brief review]
15Bombay. Why did Lockwood Kipling go to Bombay?(J. Craig) C2 190/15Daintith, T.L.A. (report) +C
15Love stories [of Kipling]. Discussion meeting (T.L.A. Daintith)[Report]