Kipling Journal: KJ167

Published: Sep 1968

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3Was Kipling rebuffed in his attempts to be an Indian?; newspaper articleBey, Hamdi (June 1968)
5HOUSE SURGEON (A&R). Kipling scholarshipEditorial
6LIGHT THAT FAILED. Have you fixed your flint to go? query R 168/06Editorial + R
7Library. Recent additions/5: ‘Mary’s meadow’ in Fairy-Kist (L&R)McGivering, J.H.
9Implications of Kipling’s fourth dimension and his work ethicMackenzie, Norman
14Journalism. Kipling, journalist; discussion meeting (T.L.A. Daintith)Inwood, P.W. (report)
18THEY (T&D). Note on ‘They’Scott-Giles, Mr & Mrs
21Noblest disease [: ‘…work, honest work…’ ]Punch, A.M.
22SONG OF THE DEAD (v). “…To Grahamstown”C
23KITCHENER’S SCHOOL (FNv). Kipling’s use of the word ‘hubshee’C