Kipling Journal: KJ163

Published: Sep 1967

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2KIM. Great game [: excerpt from Times obituary for Lt Col. F. M. Bailey]Editorial
3KIM. Kim’s reading [and ‘Adventures of a young naturalist in Mexico’]Editorial
4Graves and epitaphs [50th anniversary of War Graves Commission]Editorial
5Century Club. Kipling’s membership details, 1895Editorial
6Freemasonry. Kipling and freemasonryEditorial
7KIM. Elliot Gilbert on ‘Kim’ [See also: 162/08 165/15]Carrington, Charles
9Rudyard Kipling: realist and fabulist, by Bonamy Dobrée. OUP. 30/-Editor [short review]
9Wheel of Empire: study of the Imperial idea…, by Alan SandisonEditor [short review]
10Kipling and the theatre, by J.C. Trewin [in ‘Essays & Studies 1967]. MurrayEditor [short review]
10Words. More rare or invented words
11IF (R&Fv). Fresh look at ‘If’…; discussion meeting (Dr. J.M.S. Tompkins)Inwood, P.W. (report)
17KIM. Analysis by a 17 year-old German student. Part 1 + Part 2 164/15Welzel, Helga
22MY RIVAL (DDv). Kipling and Hood: an acknowledged sourceC
23HIS APOLOGIES (v). Silent film queryC