Kipling Journal: KJ133

Published: Mar 1960

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4ARMY OF A DREAM (T&D). ‘Song of the old guard’ preface – parody?Editorial
4REWARDS & FAIRIES. Meaning of ‘rewards’ **Mrs Bambridge answersEditorial + C3 134/04**
6MY FIRST BOOK; autobiographical article + Editorial 133/02Kipling, Rudyard
9Annual luncheon 1959, with address by A.L. Rowse[Text]
14Poétique de Rudyard Kipling, by Francis Léaud. Didier CollectionDobrée, Bonamy (review)
16&02Art of Rudyard Kipling, by J.M.S. Tomkins. Methuen, 1959. 25/-Maitland, W.G.B. (review)
17Tapp, Colonel H.A. Ex-Council member. An appreciation [Obituary]Maitland, W.G.B.
18Kipling Society, The. Founding the Kipling SocietyBrooking, J.H.C.
19MRS BATHURST (T&D). Readers’ guide. Part 1 C 134/19 135/05 136/22Harbord, R. E. + C5
22BUBBLING WELL ROAD (LH). Kipling’s strange descriptions queryC
22Mulvaney. List of the ‘various poems & verses about him, & the other two’C
23TOUR OF INSPECTION; story. Why ‘not collected’ query R 134/20C + R
24Kipling Society, The. New York first gathering at a dinner meeting, 11/59Naumburg, Carl T.
24MRS BATHURST (T&D). Solution in ‘Times’ personal column insert?C4
25IF (R&Fv). Triumph and disaster couplet ‘written in gold’ querySecretary's notes
25Kipling Society, The. Members. Primary school ‘Rudyard Kipling’Secretary's notes