Kipling Journal: KJ122

Published: Jul 1957

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2KIM. Great by any standardBazley, Basil M. (Notes)
3ABSENT-MINDED BEGGAR (v). Phrase justeBazley, Basil M. (Notes)
3France. Kipling loved and studied by the intelligentsia…in FranceBazley, Basil M. (Notes)
4South Africa. How Kipling chose the ‘Cape Times’ teamColvin, Ian
6Kipling Society, The. Secretary 4c. Sir Christopher Lynch-Robinson resigdNews & Notes
7Simla. Notes on a sketch [map] of Simla C 123/15 125/25+CorrectionHazard, H.W. Sr. + C2
11Chapter headings. Kipling’s chapter headings C 123/10Purefoy, A.E. Bagwell + C
12New England. Rudyard Kipling in New England: exhibition in USA
13Music. Kipling’s quoted music [: i.e. sung or mentioned by his characters]Elwell, T.E.
14Kipling Journal, The. Editor 4: Chaplin, E.D.W. resignsSecretary's notes
14Kipling Journal, The. Editor 5: Green, Roger LancelynSecretary's notes + 123/14
14Kipling Society, The. Office reorganisationSecretary's notes + 123/14
15Russia. Kipling [‘is still being read’] in the U.S.S.R.C2
16BALLAD OF EAST AND WEST (BRBv). Kipling and East and WestC2
16WIRELESS (T&D). Psychic inductionC2
17Herriot, Edouard. Ex-Vice-president. Obituary
17Paul, Lt-Col. J.W. Balfour. Valued supporter of the Society. Obituary