Kipling Journal: KJ113

Published: Apr 1955

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1Fiction is truth’s eldest sister: Kipling’s after-dinner speech at RSL, 1926Short, Ernest (Notes)
1Methuen. First publisher of Kipling’s poemsShort, Ernest (Notes)
3Conservative. Kipling the Conservative. Pt 1 + Pt 2: 114/03 (+ 114/01)Annan, Noel (BBC talk)
3FIVE NATIONS (v). Names of the ‘Five nations’Short, Ernest (Notes)
3SEVEN SEAS (v). Names of the ‘Seven Seas’Short, Ernest (Notes)
9BROTHER SQUARE-TOES (R&F). R.K.’s use of historical material. Pt 1Weygandt, Ann W.
9Historical material. R.K.’s use of historical material Pt 1 + Pt 2: 118/10Weygandt, Ann W.+112/10
9PRIEST IN SPITE OF HIMSELF (R&F). R.K.’s use of hist. material. Pt 1Weygandt, Ann W.
12Filibuster; poem [:comment on ‘Tomlinson’]Martyn, Margaret
13Wolff Collection. Part 2: ‘Echoes’ and ‘Schoolboy Lyrics’ in more detailMaitland, W.G.B.