Published: Dec 1945
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Page | Title | Author |
3 | How I feel about Kipling | Turner, W.J. |
5 | JUST SO STORIES. Elephant’s child. Ilustration from Macmillan ed. | Kipling, Rudyard (illus) |
06+02 | STALKY & CO. Stalky – boy & man [+illus of camel train in Khyber Pass] | Martindell, Captain E.W. |
9 | Germans. Kipling and the Germans. Part 1 | Bazley, Basil M. |
12 | India. India of Kipling today [: excerpts from ‘Immortal years’] | Wrench, Sir Evelyn |
14 | Library. Summary of collection (1945) | Maitland, W.G.B. |
15 | Kipling Society, The. Brochure published…most effective ‘recruiter’+075/02 | |
16 | Worst slip. Extensive extracts from ‘The Yorkshire Post’ + 076/02 | |
21 | France. Mark of the beast & Light that Failed popular on the boulevards | C1 |
21 | Horace. Genesis of Horace odes R 079/15 | C1 + R |