Published: Oct 1944
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Page | Title | Author |
2 | Cartoon. Hitler consults his magician, musing ‘East is east & west is west’ | [Glasgow Herald] |
3 | BLACK JACK (ST). Coincidence in black [: & General Patton’s assault] | ['Manchester Guardian' exc] |
3 | France. France herself again [: a ‘Retort Courteous to Lafayette’ needed] | Collins, J.P. (Notes) |
4 | Backgrounds. Some Kipling backgrounds. Part 1 + 071/01 (Notes) | Mansback, Major Irving E. |
7 | English country life and Kipling. Part 1 + 071/01 (Notes) | Broughton, Grace |
9 | Premiers’ grammar: Mr Kipling’s use of the singular verb | ['Yorkshire Post' extract] |
10 | Origins. Kipling origins [: notes about Gunga Din and John Chinn] | |
11 | Listening to the drums, by Sir Ian Hamilton. Faber & Faber. 18/- | Bazley, Basil M. (review) |
12+03 | Piracy. Surely a record for literary piracy! [: & apologies to Kipling] | Brooking, J.H.C. |
13 | BALLAD OF EAST AND WEST (BRBv). Brains Trust ignorance | C1 |
13 | BONDS OF DISCIPLINE (T&D). Nay, nay, Pauline, query + solution | C1 |
13 | Imperialism. Time to deliver a final blow to the bogie of ‘jingo imperialism’ | C1 |
15 | CAMPAIGNING PHRASE BOOK. Written ‘in the regimental volapuk’ | C |
15 | KING’S ANKUS (JB2). Why was the story mutilated in the 1st edition? | C |
16 | BOOTS (FNv). Reflected in General Alexander’s beachhead slog | Kiplingiana |
16 | Irish Guards. Celebrated invocation [: Candidus in ‘The Daily Sketch’] | Kiplingiana |
16 | Japan. Kipling and the new Constitution in Japan – 50 years ago | Kiplingiana |
16 | Villiers Street. Kipling’s house [: environment described] | Kiplingiana |
17 | AS EASY AS A.B.C. (DOC). Prophecies from Kipling | Kiplingiana |
17 | FINEST STORY IN THE WORLD (MI). Banjo string drawn tight | [Excerpt from 'The Times'] |
17 | National Trust ‘anxious to enlarge the number of…historic homes’ | [Exc. from 'Man. Guardian'] |