Kipling Journal: KJ071

Published: Oct 1944

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2Cartoon. Hitler consults his magician, musing ‘East is east & west is west’[Glasgow Herald]
3BLACK JACK (ST). Coincidence in black [: & General Patton’s assault]['Manchester Guardian' exc]
3France. France herself again [: a ‘Retort Courteous to Lafayette’ needed]Collins, J.P. (Notes)
4Backgrounds. Some Kipling backgrounds. Part 1 + 071/01 (Notes)Mansback, Major Irving E.
7English country life and Kipling. Part 1 + 071/01 (Notes)Broughton, Grace
9Premiers’ grammar: Mr Kipling’s use of the singular verb['Yorkshire Post' extract]
10Origins. Kipling origins [: notes about Gunga Din and John Chinn]
11Listening to the drums, by Sir Ian Hamilton. Faber & Faber. 18/-Bazley, Basil M. (review)
12+03Piracy. Surely a record for literary piracy! [: & apologies to Kipling]Brooking, J.H.C.
13BALLAD OF EAST AND WEST (BRBv). Brains Trust ignoranceC1
13BONDS OF DISCIPLINE (T&D). Nay, nay, Pauline, query + solutionC1
13Imperialism. Time to deliver a final blow to the bogie of ‘jingo imperialism’C1
15CAMPAIGNING PHRASE BOOK. Written ‘in the regimental volapuk’C
15KING’S ANKUS (JB2). Why was the story mutilated in the 1st edition?C
16BOOTS (FNv). Reflected in General Alexander’s beachhead slogKiplingiana
16Irish Guards. Celebrated invocation [: Candidus in ‘The Daily Sketch’]Kiplingiana
16Japan. Kipling and the new Constitution in Japan – 50 years agoKiplingiana
16Villiers Street. Kipling’s house [: environment described]Kiplingiana
17AS EASY AS A.B.C. (DOC). Prophecies from KiplingKiplingiana
17FINEST STORY IN THE WORLD (MI). Banjo string drawn tight[Excerpt from 'The Times']
17National Trust ‘anxious to enlarge the number of…historic homes’[Exc. from 'Man. Guardian']