Kipling Journal: KJ065

Published: Apr 1943

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2Mirage of home [: R.K. passage to haunt the memory of a war exile]Collins, J.P. (notes)
03&01Britain’s interpreter: Rudyard Kipling. ‘What should they know of England..’Martindell, Captain E.W.
04&01Lyall. Kipling and Alfred LyallMacMunn, Lt.-Gen. Sir G.
6Woollcott, Alexander. American critic and Life Member of K.S. Obituary
7Wound and the bow, by Edmund Wilson. Secker & Warburg. 15/6Harbord, R.E. (further note)
08&02DAY’S WORK. Kipling’s love of technicalities [: 1898 note]Risk, R.K.
09&01Verse. Kipling’s historical verse. Part 1Macdonald, Rev. A.
11Macdonald, Mrs Elizabeth Anne. Kipling relation. Obituary
11Russia. Read in the Red Army['Yorkshire Post' excerpt]
12Prophet. Prophet and his own countryBazley, Basil M.
15Worst slip. Queer sailing directions. Part 1Elwell, T.E. [+ see below]
16H.M.S. Kipling. Gifts for H.M.S. Kipling
17Thomas Kipling, D.D. Was he an ancestor of R.K.? C 066/15(2)B.H.C. + C
18Books and other friends, by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch [: Kipling excerpt]Kiplingiana
18Edwards, Brigadier-General R.F. R.K.’s ‘fag’ at school. ObituaryKiplingiana
18IF (R&Fv). Poet of empireKiplingiana
18India. Battle school for jungle warfare [: sole text-book is vol of K.’s poems]Kiplingiana
19Anderson, Miss Sara Dunlop. One-time Kipling secretary. ObituaryKiplingiana
19IF (R&Fv). New York Herald-Tribune/Daily Express & Churchill’s textKiplingiana
19Prophet. Kipling as prophet [: origin sought of 4 lines] R 069/15 070/16Kiplingiana + R
20Kipling Society, The. Tribute from Christchurch.C
20Kipling Society, The. Tribute from New GuineaC
21R.A.F. Kipling and the R.A.F.[Short note]
21Wells, H.G. Kipling’s chi-chi imperialism [: in ‘Evening Standard’ 19/1/43]C