Kipling Journal: KJ060

Published: Dec 1941

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2Auctions & sales. Grierson. J. Grierson’s collection reflect war conditionsNotes
2Fleet Street. Kipling and Fleet StreetNotes
3Kipling Journal, The. Patriotic duty to keep the Kipling flag flyingNotes + 59/02
4England. Kipling and England [: ‘poems are monument to the English race’]Martindell, Captain E.W.
5STALKY & CO. Stalky on Stalky & CoDunsterville, Maj-Gen. L.C.
7Classic. Kipling as a classic + 060/01 (Notes)Shanks, Edward
10If – ; poem [:with apologies to my brother who did not love shirkers]Fleming, Mrs A.M.
11Poetry. R.K.’s three noted war poemsAlberts, Gerald A.
13United Services College. Westward Ho! in 1941 + 060/01 (Notes)Bazley, Basil M.
14Old Johnny Grundy (v). Further light on a Kipling mystery + 060/02Victorian' + C 063/15
15Rudyard Kipling: a study in literature & political ideas, by Edward ShanksO.B. ['The Patriot' review]
16Making of England. Part 1Townley-Little, F.S.
18H.M.S. Kipling. Georgian silver inkstand presented + 061/14 (detailed)['The Times' excerpt]
19Punctuation. R.K.’s editors and punctuation[Anglo-Indian poet]
21Luncheon with Kipling [: excerpt from ‘Twenty-five’]Nichols, Beverley
23Origins. Kipling’s verse which have origins in other ‘well-known poems’C2
23TREK-OX (v). Origin of a piece of ‘odoriferous’ uncollected verseC
24Bateman’s. National Trust report, 1940-1Kiplingiana
24Epitaphs. Kipling on absenteeism. [: ‘Batteries out of ammunition’]Kiplingiana
24I am the land of their fathers; poem in ‘John O’ London’s Weekly’Kiplingiana
24Kipling treasury. Macmillan. 3/6. Comment in Sussex Daily NewsKiplingiana
24Prophet. Kipling’s international visionKiplingiana
25Calling Mr. Kipling; poem from the ‘Atlanta Constitution’, USAKiplingiana
25Parents. Kipling’s witty mother [: ‘…pleased Lord Dufferin…’]Kiplingiana