Kipling Journal: KJ045

Published: Mar 1938

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3Kipling Society, The. Memorial fund. Amounts to over £50,000News & Notes
4Kipling Society, The. Cape Town branch. Inaugurated + 045/31 046/38
4Prophet. Guns in Stanley Park and at Point Grey, Vancouver['V. Daily Province' Jan'38]
6Sussex edition. Volume 15 [R&F] reviewed in the ‘Observer’
7Phantom Kipling books (2)Ferguson, Delancey
08&01Crypticisms. 7: Some Kipling crypticisms; lecture C 046/67 047/102Bazley, Basil M. + C4
11Poetry. Opinion on Kipling’s 100 best poems [in a cheap edition]Brooking, J.H.C.
18&23Humour. Humour of Kipling. Discussion meeting + News & Notes 045/02Collins, J.P.
27Beresford, George C. M’Turk. Kipling Society No 1. Obituary
27MacLachlan, Major-General James D. Vice-president. Obituary
28Rudyard Kipling’s Vermont feud, by F.F. van de Water; criticism+R 047/102C1 + R 048/144 049/38
30CAT THAT WALKED BY HIMSELF (JSS). Not a lovable characterC1
30United Services College. Kipling memorial theatre, etc suggestionC5
31Kipling Journal, The. Binder available @ 3/6dSecretary's corner
31Kipling Society, The. Membership. Currently 849 – needs 1000 minimumSecretary's corner
31Kipling Society, The. Sales dept: Badges, postcards, pencils, etc price list
FPFleming, Mrs Alice Macdonald. Kipling’s sister ‘Trix’. Photo, age 3½