Kipling Journal: KJ023

Published: Sep 1932

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66Critics. André Maurois compares Kipling with Shakespeare and DickensNews & Notes
67PUCK OF POOK’S HILL. Genealogical Society lecture & K.’s accuracyNews & Notes
67Quiller Couch. Conversation with Henry James: ‘a wonderful new man’News & Notes
67REWARDS & FAIRIES. Genealogical Society lecture & K.’s accuracyNews & Notes
67Vermont. Death of Miss Cabot, who bought Naulakha from KiplingNews & Notes
68Critics. Hardy and Kipling may get into Valhalla as poets…News & Notes
68Shaw. Kipling ‘held aloof from the Shavian atmosphere’ in the theatreNews & Notes
69&95IF (R&Fv). Copies printed during war for men in Waterloo StationNews & Notes
69Prize essay competition 1932. Col. Milburn offers prize for best K. essayNews & Notes
70Freemasonry. Kipling and freemasonry [:brief comment]News & Notes
70Hutchinson, Horace G. USC Head Boy, 18[9?]7. Obituary+ C Correction 024/126
70Rudyard Kipling: poemWhitehouse, Francis Cecil
71Animal Stories, by Rudyard Kipling. Macmillan. 6/-[Review]
72HIS APOLOGIES (v). Kipling’s ‘latest dog poem’ + 022/39 (News & Notes)[Brief review]
72United Services College. Foxy the school sgt+photos+C 025/31 027/98 (2)An O.U.S.C.'+ C3 024/127
77India. Early Indian sources. Part 1E.W.M.
81Examination paper set by the ‘Morning Post’, 1924 + Winner’s answers[+Leading article 023/86]
87Library. Growth of library stock. Part 2: List of books, etcMaitland, W.G.B.
90CHILDREN OF THE ZODIAC (MI). ‘Gods in London’ introductory verseChandler, Rear-Admiral L.
92JUST SO STORIES. How the ‘Just So Stories’ got their nameChandler, Rear-Admiral L.
95&66Kipling Society, The. US secretary. Carl NaumburgSecretary's announcements
FPAnnual luncheon 1932. PhotographNews & Notes