The Musical Settings of Kipling’s Verse

(Version 63, February 5th 2016)

Over the years Brian Mattinson has worked on his catalogue of the musical settings of Kipling’s verse, aiming to make this as complete as possible. About 400 composers are linked with some 320 song titles. Including duplication, the song total is over 870; with instrumental items and theatre/cinema productions, the total number of entries is 950. He is now reluctantly retiring from the task, but hopes very much that a successor can be found to update and extend it further.

Some readers are disappointed that music cannot be sampled directly from the catalogue. While ways of implementing this are being examined, enquirers are encouraged to use the catalogue to help them sample/download sheet music/recordings through existing internet facilities, for example Google, YouTube, Spotify, and iTunes, whence much can be sampled free or downloaded at reasonable cost.

The table is a large file, which may take a minute or two to load, depending on the speed of your connection to the Internet. It is a working document, and we are keen to have comments, corrections, queries, or suggestions. Please email

The full PDF catalogue: The Musical Settings of Kipling’s Verse

A key to the abbreviations used in the catalogue.