The Musical Settings of Kipling’s Verse

Abbreviations used in the table


A&M Hymns Ancient and Modern
A&MR Hymns Ancient & Modern Revised
* Rudyard Kipling’s Verse Definitive Edition 1940
[?] Kipling source not identified
____ underlining of code indicates copy of sheet music or tape/DVD of film, in BM collection
< earlier than
Grainger Edition Volumes 1,2,3,5,9,12, (20),/20
Reissues on Pearl: Pavilion Records Ltd Sparrows Green Wadhurst:East Sussex
EMI Records EMI House 43 Brook Green London W6 7EF England 020 7605 5000
v verse
> later than
® recording
2-PS Two-Part Songs
a alto voice
A&R Actions and Reactions
Aber Aberdeen
AC Apollo Club
acap a capella – unaccompanied
acc accordion
acct accompaniment
ad adapted
ad lib ad libitum – as one likes
Ade Adelaide
AF Abaft the Funnel
AH&C Ascherberg, Hopwood & Crew Ltd 16 Mortimer Street London W1 England agent W/CM
AL Andrew Lycett Rudyard Kipling Weidenfeld & Nicolson 1999
Alhambra Alhambra Theatre London England
Alt Altrincham
AMC Australian Music Centre Grosvenor Place New South Wales Australia
AMP Affiliated Music Publishers Ltd 138-140 Charing Cross Road London WC2H 0LD England
Anglo-Am Anglo-American Music Publishers PO Box 161323 Altamonte Springs Fl. 32716-1323 USA
Anglo-Can Anglo-Canadian Music Publishers’ Association Toronto Canada
anon anonymous
APW List of songs sent to Mrs Rudyard Kipling at Batemans 11th December 1924 by A P Watt & Son Literary Agency Hastings House 10 Norfolk Street Strand London WC2
Argo Argo Record Co Ltd 113 Fulham Road London SW3 Decca Record Co Ltd 9 Albert Embankment London SE1 7SW
Decca UK 22 St Peter’s Square London W6 9NW
arr arranger, arranged by
ASB American Song Book
Ashdown Edwin Ashdown Ltd 275-281 Cricklewood Broadway London NW2 6QR England
Auc Auckland, New Zealand
Aus Australia
av available
AW Alan Woolgar Archive Schott & Co Ltd 48 Great Marlborough Street London W1F 7BB England
Percy Aldridge Grainger List of Published Works September 1996 Schott
Ayl Aylesbury
b bass voice
B&F Bayley & Ferguson Ltd Sovereign House 65 Berkeley St Glasgow C3 Scotland (was 54 Queen Street) also was 2 Great Marlborough Street London England
B&H Breitkopf & Härtel Wiesbaden Postfach 74 Walkmuhlstrasse 52 Germany
B&H Britons, Strike Home
B&H Breitkopf & Härtel (London) Ltd 8 Horse and Dolphin Yard London W1V 7LG England
B&H Breitkopf & Härtel Broome Cottage The Street Suffield Norwich NR11 7EQ England
Banks Banks Music Publications The Old Forge Sand Hutton York YO4 1LB England
York Series originally Banks & Son (Music) Ltd, York
bar baritone voice
Bardic Bardic Edition 6 Fairfax Crescent Aylesbury Buckinghamshire HP20 2ES England c/o Schott
Barlow Barlow Bros Typ with programme for Free State and London Widows’ and Orphans’ Fund, Bloemfontein South Africa
BBC BBC Music Library 7 Ariel Way London W12 7SL England
BBC BBC Music Library Song Catalogue 1966 Alphabetical by Composer (vols 1.2) and Title (Vols 3,4)
Authors are quoted only in the few cases of different poems with identical titles
BBC Music Library 7 Ariel Way London W12 7SL England
BCM British Catalogue of Music 1952-1985, 1957-1985 (1988), Annuals 1986-1997
Ber Berlin
bg bass guitar
Billaudot Editions Gérard Billaudot see United
Birchard C C Birchard & Co 221 Colombia Avenue Boston USA (KJ 17/03) see Summy-B
bj banjo
BL British Library Music Collections 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB England
Second largest holding of MS material relating to Grainger’s Kipling Settings (PG – see Gmus)
BL British Library Music Collections 96 Euston Road London NW1 2DB England
Second largest holding of MS material relating to Grainger’s Kipling Settings (PG – see Gmus)
BM Collection of Mr Brian J H Mattinson, Member of The Kipling Society and compiler of this list
includes private communications confirmed where possible with publisher
B-M Belwin-Mills Publishing Corp Melville New York 11747 USA. In UK 230 Purley Way Croydon Surrey CR9 4QD England agent EMI
BMFS Boosey’s Modern Festival Series
BMG BMG Music Publishing Ltd Bedford House 69-79 Fulham High Steet London SW6 3JW England
purchased Ricordi 1994 added Eschig 2000
BMI Beast and Man in India
BMus British Museum 10 Stratford Place London W1N 9AE England
bnd band
BNF Bibliothèque Nationale France
bo bongos
bod bodhran
Bom Bombay
Boosey Boosey & Hawkes Music Publishers Ltd Aldwych House 71-91 Aldwych London WC2B 4HN Boosey & Hawkes Music Shop 295 Regent Street London W1B 2JH England mail order Music Exchange Claverton Rd Wythenshawe Manchester M23 9ZA 30 West 57th Street New York 10019 USA Theodore Presser Co
Bos Boston
Boston Boston Music Co c/o Frank Distributing Corp 116 Boylston St Boston Massachusetts 02116 USA agent Chappell
br brass
B-RB Barrack-Room Ballads and Other Verses
B-RB1 Barrack-Room Ballads First Series (1892 -BRB)
B-RB2 Barrack-Room Ballads Second Series (1896-SS)
BroudeA Alexander Broude Inc 225 W 57th Street New York 10019 USA
BroudeB Broude Bros Ltd 56 W 45th Street New York 10036 USA agent Schott
BrSSB British Students’ Song Book >1901
bs bassoon
BSSB Boy Scout Song Book
BYS Banks York Series
C&SH Church and School Hymnal
C&W Chatto & Windus Ltd 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road London SW1V 2SA England
c/r copyright
ca about
Cal California
Cammer Alb. Cammermeyers Forlag Kristiana (Oslo) Norway
Carlin Carlin Music Corporation Iron Bridge House 3 Bridge Approach London NW1 8BD England
Cary Cary & Co
CC Captains Courageous
CC Charles Carrington Rudyard Kipling His Life and Work Macmillan 1955/Pelican Books 1970
CChord ConChord Songbook Lee Gold 3965 Alla Road Los Angeles CA 9066 USA
CCL Cramer’s Choral Library
CCS Church Choir Series
Centaur Off Centaur Publications PO Box 124 El Cerrito CA 94530 USA now defunct – see Random Albums ‘Skybound’, ‘Cold Iron’, (1983, Firebird 1991),’The Undertaker’s Horse’ (1985, Firebird 1991) ‘Lovers, Heroes and Rogues’ (1988, Firebird)
ch chorus, choir
CH Church Hymnary
ch2,3,4 2, 3, 4-part chorus, choir
Chandos Chandos Records Ltd Chandos House Commerce Way Colchester Essex CO2 8HQ England
Chappell Chappell & Co Ltd 50 New Bond St London W1Y 9HA England (retail store only) see W/CM
Chappell Music Archives Unit 11 Woodford Trading Estate Southend Road Woodford Green Essex 1G8 8HN England
CHB Choral Handbook
Chester Chester Music, Newmarket Road Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP33 3YB England see Msales
chf female chorus
CHF Cesky hudební fond. ceased to exist in 1962
Chi Chicago
chm male chorus
Choudens Choudens, Père et Fils Rue St Honoré 265 près 1 Assomption Paris France see United
CHP Christian Harmony Publishing Co
Chr Christchurch, New Zealand
Church John Church Co Ltd Cincinatti New York Chicago Leipzig 45 Wigmore Street London England see Presser
chy chorus of young voices
Cin Cincinnati
cl clarinet
Clarke J Clarke
Clowes William Clowes & Sons Ltd 15 Cavendish Square London W1M 0HT England
CM Church Music (Collection of Octavo)
CMisc Choral Miscellany
CMQ Church Music Quarterly Royal School of Church Music Cleveland Lodge Dorking Surrey RH5 6BW England
co conga
Col Colorado, USA
Combre Editions Combre 24 Boulevarde Poisonnière 75009 Paris France see United
comp composer, composed
conc concertina
CPM Catalogue of Printed Music in the British Library to 1980 K G Saur
Cramer J B Cramer & Co Ltd 99 St Martin’s Lane London WC2N 4AZ England 23 Garrick Street London WC2E 9AX England distributed by B-M
CSF Cramer Song Folio
ct counter-tenor
CUL Cambridge University Library West Road Cambridge England
CUMB Macmillan Brown Library University of Canterbury New Zealand
Currency Currency Press Encore Music Distributors Pty Ltd 227 Napier Street Fitzroy Vic 3065 Australia
Curwen J Curwen & Sons Ltd 24 Berners Street London England see Roberton, William Elkin Musical Services, MSales
D&C Debits and Credits
Dance Books Dance Books Ltd The Old Bakery 4 Lenten Street Alton Hampshire GU34 1HG UK
DAR Collection of Mr David Alan Richards, The Kipling Society’s North American Representative List provided 7th April 2000
Darewski Herman Darewski Music Publishing Co 122-4 Charing Cross Road, London WC2 England inc Sheard c/o Feldman
db double bass
DC Dual Control International Theatre Co Ltd The Historic Dockyard Chatham Kent ME4 4TE England
DD Departmental Ditties
Deanne H W F Deanne & Sons see Chappell
desc descant
Disky Disky Communications Ltd Connaught House 112-120 High Road Loughton Essex IG10 4HJ England
DitsonC Charles H Ditson Co New York present address unknown
DitsonO Oliver Ditson Co Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania 19010 USA see Presser
DIY Do It Yourself Records Edisonstraat 33 HS 1098TC Amsterdam The Netherlands
DN List provided by Mr David Newman 3400 Richmond Parkway #2813 Richmond CA 94806 (access to UC Berkeley)
DNB Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press 2004
Dodeka Dodeka Records Evanston Illinois USA
DofC A Diversity of Creatures
DP David Page Harrow UK
DP&Co Doubleday, Page & Company
dr drum
Dramatic Dramatic Pub. Woodstock Illinois USA
DT Dave Travis Ridgetop Music (GB) Galloway Manor 6 Quayside Church Lane Botley Hampshire SO30 2UG England
Dutton Dutton Laboratories, PO Box 609 Watford Hertfordshire WD18 7YA England
DW The Day’s Work
E Echoes
EAB Ellis Ames Ballard’s Kipling Collection Catalogue
East Eastbourne
eb electric bass
ed editor, edited by
Edison Thomas Alva Edison Inc Edison Phonograph Co New York USA
ef effects
EH English Hymnal Edns 1898, 1927, 1973
Elkin Elkin & Co Ltd 8,10 Beak Street/ 20 Kingly Street Regent Street London England New York see Novello, MSales
EMI EMI Music Publishing Ltd 127 Charing Cross Road London WC2H 0EA England print company IMP
EML Elder Music Library University of Adelaide South Australia
Encore Encore Publications Juglans House Brenchley Road Matfield Kent TN12 7DT England
Enoch Enoch & Sons 14/ 58 Great Marlborough Street London England see Ashdown, Ricordi, United
Eschig Max Eschig & Cie 48 Rue de Rome Paris 8eme see BMG, United
Escott Escott & Co
Faber Faber Music 3 Queen Square London WC1N 3AU England
FM Distribution Ltd. Elizabeth Way Harlow Essex CM20 2HX England
Fakoury Peter J Fakoury, Virginia USA
FAM Firebird Arts & Music PO Box 30268 Portland OR 97294 USA
FD&H Francis, Day & Hunter Ltd 138-140 Charing Cross Road London WC2H 0LD England see HFD&H, EMI
Feldman B Feldman & Co Ltd (2-4 Arthur Street, New Oxford Street, London WC) 64 Dean St London W1V 6AU England, taken over by EMI (KJ 258/35)
Filker Filker Up Lee Gold 3965 Alla Road Los Angeles CA 9066 USA
Firebird Firebird Arts & Music PO Box 30268 Portland OR 97294- 3268 USA
Albums ‘Drunken Angel’ (1991), ‘Michael Longcor Live!’ (1991 FAM-11006),
‘Norman and Saxon’ (all Kipling 1995 FAM-10032D, CD 1996 FAM-0032-2)
FischerC Carl Fischer Inc 56-62 Cooper Square New York 10003 USA c/o Schott & Co Ltd
FischerJ J Fischer & Bro Harristown Road Glen Rock New Jersey USA see B-M
fl flute
FlammerH Harold Flammer Inc Delaware Water Gap Pennsylvania 18327 USA
FlammerJ Joseph Flammer (Milwaukee Wisconsin USA)
FN The Five Nations
Forsyth Forsyth Bros Ltd 190 Grays Inn Road London WC1X 8EW England 126 Deansgate Manchester M3 2GR England
Fran Frankfurt-am-Main
Free Reed Free Reed Records
ft flints
G Grainger Kipling Settings Number (planned order of publication 1-22; also over 40 un-numbered MS – PG)
G Google
g guitar
G&T Goodwin & Tabb Ltd 36 Dean Street London W1 England see Novello
Galaxy Galaxy Music Corp 2121 Broadway New York 10023 USA c/o Elkin Music Services agent Galliard
Galliard Galliard Ltd 82 High Road E Finchley London N2 9PW England see S&B
Gamble Gamble Hinged Music Co see Fischer
Gems-EMI Screen Gems-EMI Music Inc USA Sub-published Screen Gems-EMI Music Ltd London WC2H 0LD see IMP
GenPS General Publishing Society 44 Berners Street London W England present address unknown
GEst Grainger Estate Percy Grainger Library Grainger House 7 Cromwell Place White Plains New York 10601 USA
Including MS of Grainger’s late widow, Mrs Ella Grainger-Manville (PG)
Gettinger Gettinger Printing Corporation 263 Ninth Avenue New York NY
GF Collection of Mr Geoffrey Ford 21 Redland Grove Bristol BS6 6PT
GH Golden Hind Music PO Box 1792 Schenectady NY 12301 USA Tony Barrand
GHind Golden Hind Music PO Box 1792 Schenectady NY 12301 USA CD ‘Naulakha Redux’ John Roberts and Tony Barrand
Ginn Ginn & Co Xerox Education Group 191 Spring Street Boston Massachusetts 02173
Gla Glasgow
GMus Grainger Museum, University of Melbourne Parkville Victoria 3052 Australia.
Largest holding of MS material relating to Grainger’s Kipling settings (PG) incl Adelaide Grainger Collection
Australian Musicological Commisssion Source Report No3 Miscellanea Musicologia 9 Adelaide 1977 p52-3
GNY Grainger Collection Library & Museum of the Performing Arts New York Public Library Lincoln Centre New York USA
gp group
Gray H W Gray Co Inc 159 East 48th Street New York 17 USA see B-M
GT Musical settings of late Victorian and modern British literature A Catalogue by Gooch, Bryan N S and Thatcher, David S Garland Publishing Inc New York & London 1976
Dr B N S Gooch Department of English Victoria University PO Box 1700 Victoria BC Canada reported to be working on ‘Rudyard Kipling to Music’ (letter dated 5th September 1973 The Kipling Society Honorary Secretary to Peter Bellamy – BM)
GTE Musical settings of early and mid-Victorian literature A Catalogue
by Gooch, Bryan N S and Thatcher, David S Garland Publishing Inc New York & London 1979
GTR Musical settings of British Romantic literature A Catalogue
by Gooch, Bryan N S and Thatcher, David S Garland Publishing Inc New York & London 1982
Gunner The Gunner Magazine of the Royal Artillery Association Gunner Songs and Poems collected by Major G D Hinde RA
GurneyA Gurney Archive Gloucester City Library England
GWash Grainger Collection of the Library of Congress Washington USA
H&C Hopwood & Crew London
H&S Hodder & Stoughton Ltd Mill Road Dunton Green Sevenoaks Kent Ed Office 47 Bedford Square London WC1B 3DP England
ha harmonica
h/w handwritten
Hamilton David Hamilton Provate Box 56132 Dominion Road Auckland New Zealand
Harris The Frederick Harris Music Co Ltd PO Box 670 Oakville Ontario L6J 5C2 Canada Canadian agent Lengnick
Haviland F B Haviland Pub Co New York USA
HFD&H T B Harms, Francis, Day & Hunter Ltd see AMP
HH&E Hinds, Hayter & Eldridge c/o Barnes & Noble Inc 105 5th Avenue New York 10003 USA
Higham David Higham Associates 5-8 Lower John Street Golden Square London WC1R 4HA England
HM Heathfield Memorial
hm harmonium
HMUB Hudební matice Umelecké Besedy ceased to exist in 1962
HMV His Master’s Voice (The Gramophone Company) Hayes Middlesex
hn horn
HofE A History of England (Fletcher)
hp harp
HUCC Hymnary of the United Church of Canada
Hyperion Hyperion Records Ltd London
Il Illinois, USA
IMP International Music Publications Southend Road Woodford Green Essex IG8 8HN England see W/CM
Griffin House 161 Hammersmith Road London W68BS England
inc incidental music
Ind India
Indes Indestuctible Phonograph Co Albany New York USA
inst instrument(s)
iT iTunes can sample songs
JB The Jungle Books
JB JB Productions Bellevue WA USA
Jennings George B Jennings Co Cincinnati Ohio USA present address unknown
JK Temporary catalogue of music manuscripts of Charles E Ives by J Kirkpatrick New Haven 1960 revision unpublished
JS Janos Songs of the Known World
JSS Just So Stories
kb keyboard
KCL King’s College Library Cambridge England
KCL Library King’s College Cambridge England
KD A Kipling Dictionary by W Arthur Young and John H McGivering Macmillan & Co Ltd 1967
KF Communication from Mr K M L Frazer 3 Roseacres Sawbridgeworth, Hertfordshire, England
KHS Collection of Mr Kurt H Stenzel (KJ 271/46)
Kim Kim
KJ The Kipling Journal Issue number/page number First Issue March 1927, issued quarterly
KS The Kipling Society
KSL The Kipling Society Library Haileybury School, Hertford SG13 7NU England. Reader’s Ticket from the Hon. Librarian, John Walker; email:
L&B Luckhardt & Belder see FlammerH
L&H Lyon & Healet Chicago Illinois USA c/o Boosey & Hawkes
L&R Limits and Renewals
L&ST Land and Sea Tales
Leduc Alphonse Leduc 175 Rue St Honoré Paris represented in UK by United Editions Musicales de la Schola Cantorum (Sussex)
Leechman Leechman Co San Francisco California USA present address unknown
Leonard H Leonard Milwaukee Wisconsin USA
Lewins Jeffery D Kewins (KJ 298/39)
LF Personal Communications from Leslie Fish
LH Life’s Handicap
lib libretto
Linnet Green Linnet label
LL Mrs L A F Lewis Cappaslade Cottage Brightwell-cum-Sotwell Wallingford Oxfordshire OX10 0RQ England
Berthold Brecht and Rudyard Kipling: a Marxists’s Imperialist Mentor by James K Lyon University of Florida
Lon London
LR The Long Recessional The Imperial Life of Rudyard Kipling by David Gilmour John Murray (Publishers) Ltd 2002
LtF The Light that Failed
LttF Letters to the Family
lu lute
LW Lewis Winstock ‘Songs and Music of the Redcoats’ Leo Coooper Ltd 196 Shaftesbury Avenue London WC1
Lyttleton Lyttleton Times Christchurch New Zealand
MA The Music Alliance 29-33 Berners Street London W1T 3AB England 2004
MacM Macmillan Publishers Limited 25 Eccleston Place London SW1W 9NF England. Brunel Road Houndmills Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 6XS England
McKinley McKinley Music Co c/o Larry Spier Inc Caytronis Building 653 10th Av New York 10036 USA
MCR Mountain Creek Records 1900 E Girard Place #509 Englewood CO 80113 USA
ME The Music of Elgar Vol 2 Oh, My Horses! Elgar and the Great War Ed Lewis Foreman Elgar Editions 2001
Medici The Medici Society Ltd 34-42 Pentonville Road London N1 9HG England
Mel Melbourne, Australia
Merion Merion Music Inc Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania USA c/o Presser
Methodist Methodist Book Depot Adelaide South Australia
Metzler Metzler & Co Ltd 42 Great Marlborough Street London England see Cramer
MH Michael Halliwell baritone CD note ‘Soldier Soldier – The Barrack-Room Ballads of Rudyard Kipling’ Artworks 2001
MH-B Methodist Hymn-Book
M-HT Marshall[Hall Trust Melbourne Australia
MI Many Inventions
Mil Milan
Milford Humphrey Milford see OUP
Miller Miller Music Corporation
Mills Mills Music Ltd 20 Denmark Street London England see B-M
Milw Milwaukee, Wisconsin
ML Michael Longcor 4955 State Road 26W West Lafayette Indiana 47906-9409 USA
MM Mikromarc
mnd mandolin
Modern Modern Music Library London
Morris Morris Music Co Philadelphia USA
MPA Musical Publishers’ Association 3rd Floor Strandgate 18-20 York Buildings London WC2N 6JU England do not publish
ms mezzo soprano
MS manuscript unpublished; in many cases there may be no surviving manuscript or definitive version eg Peter Bellamy performed/recorded without music and any commitment to paper was done for him
M-S ‘Kipling Poems Set to Music’ List compiled by F W Mackenzie-Skues (KJ 6/25, 24/113, 25/05, 26/45, 27/89) A major source for reference SY below
MS unf manuscript unfinished
MSales Music Sales Group 8-9 Frith Street London W1V 5TZ Distributors for Chester, Curwen, Dover, Elkin, Novello, SchirmerG, Ltd Newmarket Rd Bury St EdmundsSuffolk IP32 3YB England
MSB Motherland Song Book
MSM Margaret Middleton
MTI Music Theatre International 421 W 54th Street 2nd Fl New York, NY10019 USA
MU Collection of The Australian Kipling Society at Monash University Secretary of Society Mrs Rosalind Kennedy PO Box 321 Beechworth Victoria 3747 Australia List of books, including musical settings, av KSL
mus dir musical director
Musik Musikkverkstedet Frederikstad Norway
MW MusicWeb (UK) Rudyard Kipling and Music Philip L Scowcroft
MWBK The Man who would be King
Mz Mainz
N The Naulahka
n.t. No trace of any setting
NC National Chorister
N-C Newton-Centre, Massachusetts
NCA National Concert Agency London England present address unknown
Nebr Nebraska
NG The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Muscicians edited by Stanley Sadie Macmillan Publishers Limited, London 1980
Nimbus Nimbus Records Ltd, Wyastone Leys Monmouth NP5 3SR
NJ National Jukebox Library of Congress 101 Independence Avenue SEWashington DC 20540-4370 Tel (202) 707 4132
NLS National Library of Scotand
NME New Musical Edition see Merion Presser
NMP Northwestern Music Publishing Co Spokane Washington USA
not K words not by, but quoted by, inspired by, parody of, corruption of, similar to or mistaken for, Kipling
Nov Ew Novello, Ewer & Co New York
Novello Novello & Co Ltd Fairfield Road Borough Green Sevenoaks Kent TN15 8DT England see MSales
NSW New South Wales
NUSMS New Universal School Music Series
NY New York
NYPL New York Public Library
NZL National Library of New Zealand PO Box 1467 Wellington 6001 New Zealand
NZL National Library of New Zealand PO Box 1467 Wellington 6001 New Zealand
o oboe
O’S Oceanside
Oakv Oakville
obl obligato
OCS Oxford Choral Songs
opt optional
orch orchestra
org organ
Orientis Orientis Recording Services
OUP Oxford University Press Music Department Great Clarendon Street Oxford OX2 6DP 3 Park Road London NW1 6XN England 200 Madison Avenue New York 10016 USA
Ox Oxford
P&P Phillips & Page 8 Oxford Market London W
PAL Performing Arts Library Surrey County Library London Road Dorking Surrey RH5 6AA England
Par Paris
Paterson Paterson’s Publications
Paull E T Paull Music Co see Shawnee
PB Peter Bellamy collection; ‘Tape Catalogue’ private communications Mrs Jenny Bellamy 1994/5, 2002 (also KJ 255/03)
Interviews Folk Songs of Rudyard Kipling. ‘Sunday Folk’ programme, ABC-FM, Adelaide, Australia, September 1981
PCB Parish Choir Book
pd pipe drones
PD Peter Dawson The World’s Most Popular Baritone by Russell Smith and Peter Burgis Currency Press 2001 incl discography
PDS Peter Dawson Appreciation Society Ron R Hughes ‘New Hardwicke’ Maesteg Road Llangynwyd Glamorgan CF34 9SN
Peer Peer International Corporation 810 Seventh Avenue New York NY 10019 USA(distributor USA/Canada Presser)
Pegram Pegram & Company Tea Merchants (KJ 267/46) Chairman Alfred Cooper (see Ridgeway)
PEN The songs of Charles Ives (1874-1954) by P E Newman 2 vols Ann Arbor: University Microfilms, 1967
Penn Pennsylvania
Penz Penzance
perc percussion
Peters Edition Peters Hinrichser House 10-12 Baches Street London N1 6DN England
pf piano
pfdu piano duet
PG Percy Grainger’s Kipling Settings A study of the Manuscript Sources by Kay Dreyfus Music Monograph 3 1980. Music Monographs General Editors Sir Frank Callaway and David Tunley Department of Music University of Western Australia Nedlands Western Australia 6009 (Copy Durham University Library) European Distributors Alfred A Kalmus Ltd 2/3 Fareham Street Dean Street London W1 England
PGc A Complete Catalogue of the Works of Percy Grainger by Teresa Balough 1975 (see TB below) Department of Music, University of Western Australia, Nedlands Western Australia 6009
PGC The Percy Grainger Companion ed Lewis Foreman Thames Publishing 1981 inc discography
PGS Percy Grainger Society Membership Secretary Barry Peter Ould 6 Fairfax Crescent Aylesbury Buckinghamshire NP20 2ES in association with Bardic Edition (see Publisher list)
Ph Philadelphia
pic piccolo
Pioneer Pioneer Drama Service PO Box 4267 Englewood 80155 Colorado USA
PJ Mr Peter Jackson (aka Peter Horridge) “High and Over” 140 Above Town Dartmouth Devon TQ6 9RH England
Polo Marco Polo HNH International Ltd Denmark
PoPH Puck of Pook’s Hill
Pra Prague
Presser Theodore Presser Corporation One Presser Place Bryn Mawr Pennsylvania PA 19010 USA
Exclusive UK distributor United (CMQ Sep ’03)
Prowse Keith Prowse Music Publishing Co Ltd KPM Music Group 21 Denmark St London WC2H 8NE England
ps part song
PS Part Songs
ps2,3,4 2, 3, 4-part song
PSB Part Song Book
PSHB Public School Hymn Book
psm part song, male voices
psn pseudonym for
PTftH Plain Tales from the Hills
PU ‘Collection of Musical Settings’ 87 bound items acquired by Princeton University Library 1967 (KJ 172/12) List provided by Mr David Alan Richards 7th April 2000
publ published
qt quartet
r recorder
R Recording(s)
Peter Bellamy’s recordings (77 songs) are ‘Puck’s Songs’ (originally ‘Oak, Ash and Thorn’ 1970 and ‘Merlin’s Isle of Gramarye 1972), ‘Soldiers Three’ (Barrack-Room Ballads’ 1975 plus ‘Soldiers Three’ 1990), ‘Keep on Kipling’ (1982), ‘Rudyard Kipling Made Exceedingly Good Songs’ (1989) (KJ 255/3)
R&F Rewards and Fairies
Random Random Factors 3754 W 170th Street Torrance, CA 90504-1204 USA John and Mary Creasey
‘Our Fathers of Old’ (1993 reissued 2002), ‘Serious Steel’ collaborative recordings by Leslie Fish (setting) and Joe Bethancourt (arrangements/instrumentation); ‘Smoked Fish and Friends’ (live); ‘Folk Songs for Solar Sailors’; ‘Lock and Load’; ‘Tommy Go away’ in preparation
RBMT Rutland Boughton Music Trust 25 Bearton Green Hitchin SG5 1UN England
RCA RCA Viictor BMG Music see BMG
REC REC Music Foundation Robert Ellis Crawford St Louis Missouri USA
Reed Free Reed Records Nest Studios Birmingham
Reid Reid Bros Ltd see AH&C, Chappell
REV Rutherford’s ‘Early Verse by Rudyard Kipling 1879-1889’ ed Andrew Rutherford. Unpublished, uncollected and rarely collected poems. Clarendon Press Oxford 1986
Reynolds Reynolds & Co (Music Publishers) Ltd 19 Nassau Street London W1 England
RF Random Factors 3754 W 170th Street Torrance, CA 90504-1204 USA John, Mary Creasey
Ricordi G Ricordi & Co (London) Ltd Bedford House 69-79 Fulham High Street London SW6 3JW England The Bury Church Street Chesham Buckinghamshire HP5 1JG England see BMG United
Ricordi G Ricordi & Co (Australia) Pty Ltd 71 Chandos Street St Leonards 2065 New South Wales
Ridgetop Dave Travis Ridgetop Music (GB) Galloway Manor 6 Quayside Church Lane Botley Hampshsire SO30 2UG England
Ridgeway Ridgeway’s Ltd London Tea firm (KJ 267/46) Alfred Cooper (1846-1916) became Chairman (see Pegram)
Robbins Robbins Music Corporation Ltd 35 Soho Square London W1 England Sole Selling Agents FD&H, EMI
Roberton Roberton Publications with Goodmusic PO Box 100 Tewkesbury GL20 7YQ UK
Rogers Winthrop Rogers Ltd 295 Regent Street London W1 see Boosey
Roneo Privately duplicated
Rose S Rose 33 Rampart Row Mumbai India
s soprano voice
S&B Stainer & Bell Ltd PO Box 110 Victoria House 23 Gruneisen Road London N3 1DZ England
S&Co Stalky & Co
Salabert Editions Salabert 22 Rue Chauchat 75009 Paris Distributors Sedim Avenue Jean Jaurès 75019 Paris France see United
SanF San Francisco
sax saxophone
SchirmerE E C Schirmer Music Co 112 South Street Boston Massachusetts 02111 USA
SchirmerG G Schirmer Inc 225 Park Avenue South New York NY 10003 Distributors Hal Leonard Corp Milwaukee USA
Schirmer (G) Ltd 8-9 Frith Street London W1D 3JB England see Chappell, Msales
Schmidt Arthur P Schmidt Co 120 Boylston St Boston 12 Massachusetts USA
Schott Schott Musik International GmbH KC Weihergarten 5 D-55116 Mainz Germany
Schott Schott & Co Ltd Music Publishers 48 Great Marlborough Street London W1F 7BB England
Music Distribution Services Ltd (MDS) 5/6 Raywood Office Complex Leacon Lane Charing Ashford Kent TN27 0EN England
SCSKU Svaz Ceskych Skladatelu a Koncertních Umelcu Praha 1 Valdstejnské Nám 1 Czechoslovakia
sdr snare drum
Sénart Editions Maurice Sénart 20 Rue de Dragon Paris see Novello, Salabert, United
Sénart c/o Novello & Co Ltd and United Music Publishers Limited.
SES Sensibility and English Song Critical Studies of the Early Twentieth Century by Stephen Banfield Cambridge University Press 1985
SfB Songs from Books
SFM Sparta Florida Music Group Ltd 155-157 Oxford Street London W1R 1TB England see Msales
Shawnee Shawnee Press Inc Delaware Water Gap Pennsylvania 18327 USA
Sheard Chas Sheard & Co 122-124 Charing Cross Road London WC2 England taken over by Darewski (KJ 258/35)
Silver Silver, Burdett Co Division of General Learning Corp 250 James St Morristown New Jersey 07960 USA
SofP Songs of Praise
SoG The Story of the Gadsbys
SoM Something of Myself
Somm Somm Recordings 13 Riversdale Road Thames Ditton Surrey KT7 0QL
Sony Sony Music Entertainment (UK) Ltd 10 Great Marlborough Street London W1V 2LP
sp speaker
SPCK Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge
Sp Spotify Ltd, Golden House 30, Great Pulteney Street London W1F 9NN can sample songs
SS Seven Seas (Ballads)
SSSB Scottish Students’ Song Book 6th edition 1897 (see BrSSB; Kipling’s co-operation acknowledged in both Prefaces)
ST Soldiers Three
Star Star Music Publishing Co
Stevens H B Stevens Co London England
str strings
Sumfield V T Sumfield Eastbourne England
Summy Clayton F Summy Co see Summy-B
Summy-B Summy-Birchard Publishing Co 1834 Ridge Avenue Evanston Illinois 60204 USA agent Musica Rara see W/CM
SW Sea Warfare
Swan Swan & Co (Music Publishers) Ltd 24 Great Pulteney Street Golden Square London W1 England. c/o Arcadia Music Publishing Co Ltd 10 Sherlock Mews Baker St London W1 England
owned Weinberger copies available Faber Music Distribution (see Faber)
SY Rudyard Kipling A Bibliographical Catalogue by Stewart, James McGregor Appendix E edited by A W Yeats Dalhousie University Press and University of Toronto Press 1959
syn synthesiser
t tenor voice
T&D Traffics and Discoveries
TB Teresa Balough, author A Complete Catalogue of the Works of Percy Grainger Music Monograph 2 1975 (PGc above) ‘ Grainger and Kipling’ Studies in Music 11, 1977 Reprint avail KSL Music Monographs/Music Series General Editors Sir Frank Callaway and David Tunley Department of Music University of Western Australia Nedlands Western Australia 6009 (KJ 224/37, 230/38)
Tetra Tetra Music Corp see BroudeA
Thames Thames Publishing Trade distribution by Msales see Novello
Thompson C W Thompson
tim timbales
timp timpani
tmb tambourine
To-Day To-Day Magazine 2nd July 1904
Topic Topic Records Ltd 50 Stroud Green Road London N4 3EF England
Tor Toronto
TP Professor Thomas Pinney ‘Kipling and Film: The Record’ ?published 2001
The Letters of Rudyard Kipling Vol 2 London Macmillan 1990 p 147
228 West Harrison St Claremont California CA 91711 USA
tr translation, translated
trad traditional
Tributek electronic publishing PO Box 8025 Elburn Illinois 60119 USA
tub tuba
type typewriter
UC Department of Special Collections University of California Santa Barbara USA
UCPH United Church Publishing House
UCT Kipling Collection (J S I McGregor) Special Collections Librarian University Libraries University of Cape Town Rondebosch 7700 South Africa (KJ 266/23)
uk ukelele
unf unfinished
unis unison
United United Music Publishers Ltd 33 Lea Rd Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 1ES England
UK representative all major French classical sheet music publishers
Universal Universal Music Bond House 347-353 Chiswick High Road London W4 4HS England
US Unison Songs
USMB United States Marine Band Director Colonel Michael J Colburn Choral Arts Society of Washington
v voice
va viola
Valentine Valentine Music Group 7 Garrick Street London WC2E 9AR
Van Vancouver
var various
vc ‘cello
vch children’s voices
vf female voice
vh high voice
vib vibraphone
Victor Victor Talking Machine Company (Sony Music Entertainment 550 Madison Avenue 1827 New York NY 10022)
Vincent Vincent Music Co London England present address unknown
Vir Virginia, USA
vl low voice
vm male voice
vmed medium voice
vn violin
voc vocaliser – splits vocal into harmonies
VUW Victoria University of Wellington
W&SH Worship and Service Hymnal 1972
W/CM Warner/Chappell Music Ltd Griffin House 161 Hammersmith Road London W6 8BS England
Archive The Music Vault same address
W/CM Warner/Chappell Music Inc 9000 Sunset Boulevard Penthouse Los Angeles CA 90069 USA
Wail Wail Songs Oakland California USA
Wash Washington
Wa-Wan Wa-Wan Press see Schirmer
wb wood blocks
WCG Worshipful Company of Gardeners
Weaver Weaver Music Supply Co
Web Worldwide Web incl
Weekes A Weekes & Co Ltd London (incl Heins of Hereford) England see Galliard
West West & Co London England
wh whistles
Whaley Whaley, Royce & Co 310 Yonge Street Toronto Ontario Canada
WHR W H Reed Elgar The Master Musician J M Dent & Sons Ltd 1939
Williams Joseph Williams see S&B
Witmark M Witmark & Sons c/o Warner Bros Inc 9200 Sunset Blvd Los Angeles California 90069 USA see W/CM
Wood Woodstock, Illinois
Wright Lawrence Wright Music Co Ltd c/o ATV-Kirshner Music Ltd 12 Bruton St London W1X 7AH England
W-SM White-Smith Music Publishing Co, c/o Chappell & Co Inc 810 7th Avenue New York 10019 USA
WSRO West Sussex Record Office Sherburne House 3 Orchard Street Chichester
ww woodwind
WWW Wee Willie Winkie and Other Stories
Xeno Xenofilkia Even monthly since october 1988 Lee Gold 3965 Alla Road Los Angeles CA 9066 USA
xyl xlyophone
YB The Years Between
York York
YR Yelton Rhodes Music Los Angeles USA
YSB Yale Song Book
YT YouTube can sample songs
YUL School of Music Library Yale University USA
Zono Zonophone acquired Gramophone Company 1903 see HMV