My Hat


Ye youth

A youth but late returned from School, 
Fourteen, facetious, fat,
I swear by that I cherish most,­ 
Videlicet 'My Hat'. 


And defendeth
His Oath

Oaths are immoral people say, 
But still they come so pat
When one's excited. It's not sin 
I'm sure, to say My Hat! 


Instances when
Ye Oath
May be Needful
When nightly slumbers broken are  
By symphony of cat,
I think of spring traps, dogs, & death,  
And vengeful growl 'My Hat!' 


The Substance
Of ye Oath

I have but one, —a bowler 'tis 
As rough as any mat,
The felt inside is cocoa-stained, 
Nathless I love my Hat. 


Ye Conscience that
Swayeth ye Youth

Folks say it's seedy, but I stick  
To it the more for that.
As Conscience keeps me to my word 
And lives inside my Hat 


The affection of
ye Youth

As student I shall keep it still,  
Moreover when I mat-
riculate at seventeen  
I'll go up in my Hat. 


He imagineth

And if I miss, (which Heaven forbid) 
Proving myself a flat,
Then I should find to my disgust,
Myself inside my Hat. 


And telleth
Of his Poesie

When you're at breakfast there will come  
The postman's rat-tat-tat,
Bringing your business letters and 
These verses on my Hat.

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