1 We knew thee of old, Oh divinely restored, By the light of thine eyes And the light of thy Sword. 2 From the graves of our slain Shall thy valour prevail As we greet thee again— Hail, Liberty! Hail! 3 Long time didst thou dwell Mid the peoples that mourn, Awaiting some voice That should bid thee return. 4 Ah, slow broke that day And no man dared call, For the shadow of tyranny Lay over all: 5 And we saw thee sad-eyed, The tears on thy cheeks While thy raiment was dyed In the blood of the Greeks. 6 Yet, behold now thy sons With impetuous breath Go forth to the fight Seeking Freedom or Death. 7 From the graves of our slain Shall thy valour prevail As we greet thee again– Hail, Liberty! Hail!
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