(a) She wandered round the blessed world: She watched the sunset she: O'er hills, incarnadine, impearled Agate and lazuli: Strange climes she saw and stranger folk And fish of alien seas. (b) I played with a lady at Euchre And did all I knew for to roochre But spite of my play At the end of the day She won and I promptly forsoochre. (c) I know a young lady from Beaver And not for the world would I grieve her But it runs in my head That she scares herself dead For no one's allowed to relieve her (d) There was a small boy who was proud And smoked where he wasn't allowed Till a java cigar Lit the bestest sofar And he quit—in a Pillar of Cloud. (e) What shall we do with a king who is dead He governed us well while life was in him: Lay him in state on his royal bed, In the paper shrouds the poets spin him: Turn to the prince who is crowned today: And shout for (f) And will you give me love for love And troth for troth said he? Ay, Love for love and troth for troth And heart for heart quoth she. And will you give me life for life And soul for soul quoth he: Ay, soul for soul, with seas between, Till end of love quoth she.
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