“Kipling in America 1892 to 1896”

“Kipling in America 1892 to 1896”

A Kipling Society SymposiumOctober 7th-8th 2013

At Marlboro College, Vermont

[Oct 17th 2013]

After his marriage to Caroline Balestier in January 1892, Rudyard Kipling settled in Brattleboro, Vermont. He built their house ‘Naulakha’ on a hillside, made many American friends, started a family, and wrote busily and contentedly. He came to love the Vermont landscape, the colours of the Fall, the fierce winters and the burgeoning spring. During these richly productive years he wrote the Jungle Books, Captains Courageous, many of the stories collected in The Day’s Work and Many Inventions, the poems of The Seven Seas and the first of the Just So Stories.

This Symposium (Oct7/8 2013), with speakers from Britain and America, focussed on Kipling’s work in Vermont, how he saw Americans and how they saw him, and how these years influenced his work and his thinking about the world. The Symposium was directed by Jan Montefiore of the University of Kent.

Here are some reports from the Symposium, and some further reading about Kipling’s time in Vermont.

The Programme
A report on how it went
Some echoes from Jan Montefiore
Naulakha after Kipling
Naulakha photos October 2014
Marlboro College Kipling Collection
Brattleboro in the 1880s and 1890s
The Mary Cabot Memoir
The Aftermath
“In sight of Monadnock”
“From a Winter Notebook”
Something of Myself Chapter V


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