The symposium Kipling in India: India in Kipling to be held in Shimla on April 26-28, 2016, co-directed by Professors Harish Trivedi of Delhi University and Jan Montefiore of Kent University, is going ahead – full steam, as Rudyard Kipling might have put it. The symposium is hosted by the Indian Institute of Advanced Study at their headquarters Rashtrapati Nivas, formerly the Vice Regal Lodge.
A great many proposals – no less than 75 – were received by the deadline of Oct 31st. Professor Trivedi and I have chosen 20 papers out of these, and we will be posting the conference programme shortly, to those that have registered.
Conference speakers will stay at the Institute. Observers are very welcome to the conference, but will need to book in one of the Shimla hotels. The two hotels that are within easy walking distance are the Hotel Peterhof Peterhof (just beyond the IIAS gates) and the Oberoi Cecil (a heritage hotel, about 10 or 15 minutes Other possibilities are
- Hotel Clarkes, Shimla phone 0177-2651010
- Hotel Landmark phone 0177-2811519
There are also hotels at the other end of town, but traffic congestion can be a problem and if staying there, it would be wise to allow time to get to the Institute.
Jan Montefiore November 9th 2015