Rudyard Kipling
an International Writer

The London Conference

October 21/22 2011

The Papers Presented

Jad ADAMS Institute of English, School of Advanced Study, University of London Kipling – a Post-decadent Imperialist?
Charles ALLEN The Kipling Society Kipling, the Orient and the Orientalists
Beena ANAND Anglo-Indian Encounters in Simla: Plain Tales from the Hills
Veronica BARNSLEY University of Manchester ‘full of ’satiable curtiosity’: foreignness and childhood in the Just So Stories
Elleke BOEHMER Oxford University Kim writ large: The Worlding of Kipling’s ideas in Baden-Powell’s Boy Scout Movement
Howard J. BOOTH University of Manchester Mrs Bathurst, empire and spatial disjunction
Inger K. BROGGER University of Copenhagen ( ‘Boiling a Brew of Slimy Barks’: Modernism and Kipling’s ‘Dayspring Mishandled’ and ‘The Gardener’
Alex BUBB Hertford College, Oxford. Kipling, India and Globalization
Catherine BUTLER University of Plymouth Englishness and Masculinity in Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Sea Constables: A Tale of ’15’
Amit CHAUDHURI University of East Anglia The Emergence of the Everyday: Kipling and Indian Regional Writing
Jaine CHEMMACHERY University of Rennes 2 Rudyard Kipling’s short stories on empire as markers of modernity
Bryan CHEYETTE University of Reading Kipling and the Jews
Dominic DAVIES Oxford University Kipling’s Novels of the 1890s: The Consolidation of Imperial Identity and The Postcolonial Space
Alexandre Veloso DE ABREU Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, Brazil Allegory of Dominance: British Imperialism in Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Rikki-tikki-tavi’
Mark DE CICCO George Washington University Kipling’s School of History: Lessons in British Identity for Children
Mary HAMER The Kipling Society Ruddy and Trix as Displaced Persons
Peter HAVHOLM The College of Wooster Kipling’s Narrator as Guide in British India: Some Distancing Techniques
Beatrix HESSE University of Würzburg The Results of an International Education – on Kipling and Other ‘Anglo-Indian’ Writers
Francis G. HUTCHINS Prophecy for a New America: Rudyard Kipling, American Prophet
Natalia ISHCHENKO Vernadsky University, Ukraine Russian Kipling: The Story of Kipling’s Reception in Russia
Shamsul ISLAM Vanier College, Montreal Kipling and Islam and other world religions
Nadia JABRI The University of New England Struggles we encounter: Kim as a secret agent
Mukul JOSHI University of Pune, India Kipling’s writing on India: The Simla Tales
Daniel KARLIN University of Bristol Jewish jokes in ‘The Treasure and the Law’
James KELLY ‘…a lonelier Columbus into a stranger world the wet-ringed moon never looked upon’: Rudyard Kipling’s restless travelling in critical perspective
Douglas KERR Hong Kong University ‘Let us annex China!’: Visuality and Ventriloquism in the Far East
John LEE University of Bristol Kipling and Literary Afghanistan
Inna LINDGREN ‘Foreign’ eyes on Britain
Sarah LONSDALE University of Kent Ideas of ‘England’, ‘Ireland’ and popular journalism in the short story ‘The Village that Voted the Earth was Flat’
Eleni LOUKOPOULOU University of Kent Museyroom exhibits: Joyce and Kipling in the pages of the Cambridge magazine Experiment, 1931
Erin LOUTTIT University of St Andrews ‘Hear and attend and listen’: Rudyard Kipling’s Audiobook Afterlife
Andrew LYCETT The Kipling Society Poseidon’s Law – Kipling’s experience of the sea
Jan MONTEFIORE University of Kent Vagabonding for the Backwoodsman: ‘Letters of Marque’ and other stories
Kaori NAGAI University of Kent Between the Rukh and the Jungle
Akiko NAMBU Tohoku University Rudyard Kipling and Bateman’s
Toko OMOMO Fuji Women’s University, Sapporo The Performance of the Bereaved: ‘Ritual’ in Kipling’s Great War Texts
Thomas C. PINNEY Pomona College Kipling and the Lesser Lights of American Literature
Judith PLOTZ George Washington University The Great American Novel Was Wasn’t: ‘Captains Courageous’, Moby Dick, and Kipling as American Myth-Maker
John RADCLIFFE The Kipling Society The New Readers’ Guide to the Works of Kipling
Elodie RAIMBAULT Université de Grenoble The metonymic empire: the transposition of a literary geography
Don RANDALL Bilkent University, Ankara From Kipling’s Imperial Boy Toward a Postcolonial Kipling
David Alan RICHARDS The Kipling Society Kipling and the Rhodes Scholars
Harry RICKETTS Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand ‘I have only come for a loaf and to see pretty things’: Kipling and the Antipodes
David SERGEANT Somerville College, Oxford Kipling and Modernism
George SIMMERS The Kipling Society ‘Human beings and Germans’: Representations of the enemy in ‘The Edge of the Evening’ and ‘Mary Postgate’
Kate TELTSCHER Roehampton University, London Kipling’s Hobson-Jobson
Alex TICKELL The Open University Making the Colonised Live: Kipling and Biopolitics
Monica TURCI University of Bologna Illustrations in Italian Translations of Kipling
John WALKER The Kipling Society Kipling’s Verse for All
Lizzy WELBY The Kipling Society The Ascent from the Abyss: Resuscitating Kipling’s Hollow Men
Debra WYNN Library of Congress. Kipling in Oregon