Kipling turned down the offer of various honours, including a knighthood, and declined to become Poet Laureate, although he accepted the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907, election to the Athenaeum, and numerous academic honours. To his regret, he had never attended a university as a student.
- Hon. LL.D. McGill University 1899
- Hon. D.Litt. Durham and Oxford, 1907 (he was also a Rhodes Scholar Trustee)
- Hon. D.Litt. Cambridge in 1908 (he was also an Honorary Fellow of Magdalene)
- Hon. LL.D. Edinburgh University, 1920 ; See A Book of Words (p. 189)
- Honorary degrees Paris and Strasbourg, 1921. (See A Book of Words pp. 195, 199, 207, 211, 217)
- Lord Rector, University of St. Andrews, 1923. (See A Book of Words p. 229)
- Doctor of Philosophy Athens, 1924 (National University of Greece) See the Kipling Archive, University of Sussex.
- Gold Medal of Alexander the Great. Prize presented by the government of Greece.
- Société Nationale d’Acclimatation Medal.
- Royal Society of Literature Gold Medal.
- International Mark Twain Society Silver Medal.
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