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[Page 249, line 4] Snohomish Washington State.
[Page 250, line 28] ‘I haven’t had such a good time since Willie died’ this is not a reference to another Cheyne son, but to the comic poem “In Memoriam”, by Max Adeler (Charles Heber Clarke, 1847-1915).
[Page 251, line 15] rigger one who rigs ships.
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[Page 256, line 21] burgee pennant, the triangular flag of a yacht club.
[Page 256, line 27] beam the measurement across the boat at the widest part; in this case Harvey is criticizing the lack of beam that would. make the boat unstable in a heavy wind.
[Page 257, line 5] slip a tackle unhook the dinghy from the falls; Harvey is criticizing the way the dinghy was lowered to the water.
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[Page 260, line 15] mucker a man lacking refinement.
[Page 261, line 24] marquise a ring set with a pointed oval cluster of gemstones.
[Page 262, line 25] fares catches.
[Page 263, line 6] Memorial Day a memorial service for fishermen lost at sea is still held in Gloucester every August.
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[Page 265, line 15] Seattle was burned out The city of Seattle is in Washington State, in the north-western United States. In June 1889 some thirty blocks in the commercial heart of the city, including many wooden houses, were burned out in the Great Seattle Fire, after a gluepot boiled over in McGough’s Cabinet Shop.
[Page 266, line 4] Church on the Hill probably the church of Our Lady of Good Voyage.
[Page 266, line 10] lumpers labourers employed in loading and unloading cargoes.
[Page 266, line 26] high-license clearly to do with an alcohol tax, to be levied to pay for the organ, but the exact meaning is not clear.
[Page 268, line 6] `O all ye Works of the Lord … forever’ `Benedicite’, ‘Morning Prayer’, Book of Common Prayer.
[Page 268, line 17] Pamlico Sound North Carolina.
[Page 269, line 21] fore-handed prudent, thrifty, by looking to the future.
[Page 269, line 24] Riches endureth but fer a season possibly an adaptation of Mark 4: 17: `and have no root in themselves, and so endure but for a time’.
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[Page 270, line 21] `They took the grandam’s blanket. . .’ from “The Wives of Brixham” by Menella Bute Smedley.
They took the grandame’s blanket,
Who shiver’d and bade them go;
They took the baby’s pillow,
Who could not say them no…
…And knew not all the while
If they were heaping a bonfire
Or only a funeral pile……With, `Child, here comes your father!’
Or, `Wife, is this your man?’……So when you see a Brixham boat
Go out to face the gales,
Think of the love that travels
Like light upon her sails!
Poems Written for a Child (London, 1868), 29-35.
[Page 270, line 28] Ground-hog case an irremediable situation.
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[Page 274, line 3] Augusty Augusta, Maine.
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[Page 281, line 16] Leland Stanford Junior Leland Stanford Junior University, California, was founded in 1885 by Leland Stanford and his wife in memory of their son. It opened in 1891.
[Page 281, line 28] cable San Francisco cable car.
[L. O.]