November 20th 1886 Our office crow, a most ill-mannered but perspicacious fowl, has, after a hearty meal on some back-numbers of the Madras Mail, delivered himself of the following. He calls it poetry:— There was an old man in a doolie Who was pummeled by robbers unruly When he said:—'On my soul 'Tis the work of one C—e!' The P——r jumped on him duly. November 22nd 1886 That rude bird, the Office Crow, encouraged by our acceptance of his little contribution yesterday, continues to croak on matters of ancient history. There once was a man of Madras Who sold a 'Processional' ass. When they said:—'This is low!' He replied (says the Crow) 'These things are the rule in Madras!'
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