Envy, Hatred, and Malice

Let us praise Such an One, 
  Give him commendation
Sincere for labour done— 
  As honour to the nation. 
  Such elevation,
Such perfect taste, was never known before; 
Our ranks admit one poet more,
  'Mid universal acclamation. 

Such an One is elevated 
  To the gods,
  Even to the demi-gods. 
Such an One is crowned king,
  Self and friends
Chew the cud of bitter feeling 
  By what ends
These strange vermin come to stealing 
  Bay-leaves here and there to make 
Forged false wreaths, for sure 'tis odd
  How the world a man may take 
    For a god.
    (Even for a demi-god!)

Such an One is gone—there rises 
  Such Another:
With old thoughts in newer guises 
  Born to smother
Such an One's productions. 
Welcomed is he just as loudly, 
Trails his mantle just as proudly.
    Whence I draw 
    My deductions
That many and many a poet more, 
  Ere I lie beneath the sods,
I shall witness swell and soar 
  To the gods,
  Even to the demi-gods!

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