HE So long as 'twuz me alone An' there wasn't no other chaps, I was praoud as a King on 'is throne— Happier tu, per'aps. SHE So long as 'twuz only I An' there wasn't no other she Yeou cared for so much—surely I was glad as could be. HE But now I'm in love with Jane Pritt- She can play the piano, she can; An' if dyin' 'ud 'elp 'er a bit I'd die laike a man. SHE Yeou'm like me. I'm in love with young Frye Him as lives out to Appledore Quay; An' if dyin"ud 'elp 'im I'd die Twice ower for he. HE But s'posin' I threwed up Jane An' niver went walkin' with she— And come back to yeou again— How 'ud that be? SHE Frye's sober. Yeou've allus done badly An' yeou shifts like cut net-floats, yeou du: But—I'd throw that young Frye ower gladly An' low 'ee right thru!
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