What Song shall we sing to the Swallow, In Spring?— To the restless, roving Swallow That heralds an English Spring? Surely, sad Autumn must follow The Pageant of Spring; And, what Time the Winds blow hollow, Where is the Swallow? What song to the Flowers of May, In Summer?— To the Buds and the Blossoms of May That jewel an English Summer? Surely, These pass away With the waning Summer, And, what Time the Woods decay, Where are the Flowers of May? What Song to an English Maid 'Neath our Sun?— To a blue-eyed English Maid Who braves for a Season our Sun? Surely, the Lilacs fade Ere the Season is done; And, what Time June burneth the Blade, Where is the Maid? There is one Message to All, One Invitation,— When Birds flit or Flowers fall, Or the Maid quits the Station:— "Come back with the cooler Spring Wind, "For the Land lieth lonely! "Come back, for Ye leave Us behind "Sweet Memories only!"
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