I bear a mark from your hand my Love, Set red between my brows, And the mark is more lasting a mark my Love, Than Love allows More lasting a trace it leaves my Love Than all our vows. The mark of that gusty night my Love Scarcely a week ago, When you came; mad with your passion my love And dealt the blow Struck freely—how could I stop you—my Love Who loved you so! For the lie was stirring your heart my Love, When you struck the blow at me. The lie was hot in your brain my love With jealousy And I knew of the lie and the liar my love O, let you be. And I thought I will try the love of my love, Whether her heart be true— And the end of the trial came my love And Love's end too. For the mark between my brows my love Cuts me from you. For I have been shamed by a woman my love Struck down by a woman's blow, Though my soul was sold for you my love Years past—you know— I have too much pride of the body my Love To let this go.
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