What was read last month …

Total VISITORS to the site in JULY were 42,306 (32,025) with 84,830 (67,382) views. This is an average of over 1,350 visitors a day. There is a healthy 32% increase in visitors to the site compared to last July. The yearly increase has been 2% for the last three months running, i.e. 6% over the quarter.

(Figures in brackets are for July2023)

POEMS . . The Beginnings jumps into the top ten at number 3.



UPDATE . . According to Google Analytics (GA4) this page had 97 visitors in July. It was a try-it-and-see page, so on that basis, it will continue. However, in future it will draw it’s data from GA4 which provides access to all website pages, rather than Jetpack, which is limited to the most popular 500. The structure of the page will change as well – to what? – I’m not sure yet…

 Top 10 POEMShits
1The White Man’s Burden [1]3443
2Mandalay [2]3288
3The Beginnings [11]2905
4I Keep Six Honest Serving Men [4]2570
5The Gods of the Copybook… [5]1697
6The Ballad of East and West [8]1593
7The Sack of the Gods [3]1567
8Tommy [6]1374
9The Law of the Jungle [9]1328
10The Young British Soldier [10]1192
[last month’s position]

Compiled from Jetpack Statistics for July2024 : comments to iansamtks@icloud.com